Chapter 1

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Edward Elric woke from a much needed nap only to realize that his train to central had stopped.

He stretched his limbs and looked across to his brother Alphonse. Al had started getting their bags off of the shelf above them, since well... Edward was a bit shorter than him...

"Well brother, looks like we made it."

Al's voice echoed in the metal suit that he was bound to, but to Edward it wasn't anything new.

"Yeah, looks like we did." Ed said with a smirk.

He honestly never thought that they would make it this far. After all that had happened, he was finally on his way to becoming a state alchemist and getting both of their original bodies back.

Ed and Al hopped off the train and made their way over to the capital building.

The citizens of central gave the brothers odd looks, but it wasn't something they weren't used to seeing.

They reached the gates to the administrative building, but the guards held their ground.

"State your name and business." One of them said.

"Edward Elric, given orders to report to colonel mustang. Pronto.."

"Wow, you're the kids who used human transmutation aren't you!?!" The other said.

Edward was clearly getting annoyed but tried to keep his composure, "Yes, now if you'd kindly let me through-"

"Its a huge honor meeting you! How brave and heroic! All you wanted to do was see your mother again! Except I didn't expect you to be so little."


You could practically see the flames in Eds eyes, so the guards let them through. Well... More like Al dragging ed through so he didn't clobbar that gaurd.

Edward continued to rant until they reached the office of the flame alchemist.

They knocked on the door and was greeted with the familiar face of 1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye.

"He's been waiting for you."

"Good, I like to keep him waiting." Ed said sarcastically.

They took a seat in front of the long desk just as the office chair spun around.

"I'm glad to see you made it okay." Mustang said optimistically.

"Glad to see you too sir." Al said politely.

Ed just slumped back in his seat with his arms crossed. As excited as he was, mustang was the last person he wanted to be around today.

"Alright, I'll make this quick. The fuhër wants to see you in action. So when you get in that room, show him your best. Including the automail."

Ed just rolled his eyes and give a slight nod.

"Secondly, if he likes what he sees you'll be given a pocket watch. You'll need to keep it on you at all times."

"Yeah, yeah I read the requirements." Ed boasted.

"Good, an agent will come and get you when he's ready. Good luck Elric."

"Yeah, thanks."

Ed and Al made their way to the outside of the building and plopped down on the steps leading to the top.

As much as it pained Edward that Alphonse couldn't get his state license, he had to do this.


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