Chapter 22

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One month later...

Alison's POV

State alchemist....

I was now officially a state alchemist..

Alison Hughes; Red blood Alchemist

That's what the paper read. The pocket watch was clutched in between my hands. And the paper in front of me.

King Bradley gave me a pen and gestured to the line at the end of the paper.

I took a deep breath and signed my name.

"Well Alison, welcome to the military."

I smiled and nodded.

The Red Blood Alchemist.... Has a nice ring to it.


"Red Blood? That's kinda weird, don't you think?"

Of course Ed needs to go through my shit.

"Well at least its not FullMetal." I said with a smirk.

"Hey! FullMetal is badass!"

"Heh, you wish."

I kept my watch in my pocket and went to change. They gave me a uniform and I was excited to try it on.

However.... It ended up looking extremely stupid.

"C'mon! Are you gonna show us or not!" Ed hollared.

I came out in it and immediately Ed fell over laughing.

"Brother! Don't be rude!" Al scolded him.

But it was true, I looked like a freaking clown.

"I.. I can't help myself!.... Really you just.... Its so baggy it looks like its about to fall right off of you!"

"Oh really, how about you try it then!"

I threw the jacket and pants at him and changed back into my other clothes. Don't worry, I was wearing a shirt and shorts underneath it...

I came back out and he had it on. And to be honest... It looked good on him.

"I feel really constricted in this.."

"Okay, how the hell does it fit you but not me?"

"Maybe because you're all skin and bones. Unlike me who's 80 % muscle." He said flexing his muscles.

I jabbed his side and he jumped back and flinched.


"More like you've got bigger bones." I said giggling.


He stood up next to me and ran a hand across both of our heads.

"What are you doing?"

"Either you're shrinking or I'm growing." He said with a smirk.

Wow, he was right... He's about as tall as me now...

Wow thank god....


He gave me back the uniform and I tossed it aside.

"So, when will the colonel be giving us our next assignment?" Al asked.

"Well, for ones he's giving us some time off according to the fuher."

"Heh, serves him right. He's been working us non stop for weeks." Ed said stretching out in his chair.

"Ed... We haven't done anything since last night."

"Well still, he sucks."

"Well maybe if you didn't flip out on him he wouldn't be so mercyless on us.."

"He was being unfair, I couldn't help myself."

"That's how he is Ed. He's been my teacher for years, I've gotten used to the way he does it."

"Well it's not right... You've been through enough..."

I never did understand why Ed stood up for me like that. I mean, we're friends and I know that he cares about me... But not enough to literally scream at our boss..

"But I get why he's been keeping us busy. We've kinda been getting into trouble left and right." I said.

"So what are we supposed to do for our time off?" Al asked.

"I guess you and I could head back to resembool. I might as well get my automail adjusted." Ed said.

"You're welcome to tag along with us, Alison." Al said kindly.

"Thanks guys, but I should stay here. I don't exactly want to leave my mom and sister alone."

"I get it, just make sure you let us know if you need anything." Ed said.

He acts like my mother, god.

"I will." I said.


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