Chapter 34

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Alison sat on a ledge on the wall of the canyon. The Milosians who lived here had build their houses into the sides of the rock. It fascinated her and made her realize how dedicated these people were.

Rochelle had told her that Table city used to be the city of Milos. But years ago, they were driven out of their home land and were forced into this canyon. Ever since then, they've tried to take their homeland back, but haven't succeeded.

Alison stared down at her bandaged hand. All of what Ashleigh told her had finally seeped in. She was at a loss for words...

Edward finally found her on the ledge. He wanted to give her time, but he was afraid to leave her alone for too long.

"You okay?"

Alison turned around and saw his sympathetic look.

"Yeah.... I'm fine..."

Ed sat next to her and stared off into the distance. The sun was starting to set, and the sky was a firey orange.

"You've got a great view over here.." He said.

"Yeah, Rochelle told me about this spot. It takes your breath away...."

Edward couldn't help but stare at Alison's eyes. He'd always admired them and was fascinated by the color. It was a prefect light blue, like the color of the ocean..

He finally pulled himself away and looked towards the sky...

"I'm sorry...." Alison said out of the blue.

"For what?"

"I've gotten you and Al mixed up in this.."

"We're on a mission to catch a criminal. A criminal that happens to be your long lost brother, but nevertheless it was our assignment. It's still what we were sent out to do, just a little more dangerous now..."

She grabbed a sharp rock and pricked her finger with it. A small dot of blood had formed upon it and she pinched her finger to get out more.

"Let's see if I can do this again..." She said.

She stood up and pointed her finger across the canyon.

Ed sat there confused and a little alarmed. He had no idea what she was planning on doing.

She closed her eyes, breathed, concentrated hard, and let go.

A spear of blood shot from her finger, across the canyon, and stuck into the other side.

Both her and Eds eyes darted to where the blood spear had landed. Ed was surprised and impressed.

"How did you do that?!"

"I.... I don't know..." She said with a slight smile on her face.

Both of their heads darted to the entrance behind them to the ledge. Gunshots and screams were heard in the entrance.

They waited in silence for a few moments.... Nothing...

"What the hell-" Ed started.

A chimera came charging to them, but Ed pulled him and Alison away in time. They stood with their backs to the entrance. The chimera sneered at them and laughed maniacally.

"Hahaha! Of course. No wonder why I could pick up your scent so quickly, you were dumb enough to try that little magic trick of yours!"

He gestured towards Alison's bleeding finger.

"H-how the hell could you get it from such a small amount." She said.

"The ol' schnoz doesn't lie." The wolf said pointing to his nose.

Ed turned his arm I to a blade and stood in front of Alison.

"Alison, I when I count down from three I want you to run down to the village and hide." He whispered

"What!? There's no way I'm leaving you here!" She whispered back.

"Just listen to me damnit! I'll be fine, but I need you to go.."

"........fine, just don't get yourself killed."

He nodded and smirked. She nodded back and stared down the chimera. It's yellow eyes started back at her, but her stare could xut someone.


Everything in her screamed not to leave him. She wanted to stay and protect him. She wanted to rip this Chimera's nose right off its snout.


The anticipation and anger was building up, and she could barely hold herself.


Ed charged the chimera and Alison bolted behind her. The dark hallways were lit by torches. She ran as fast as her legs would take her.

She jumped down the stairs and tripped over something. She looked behind her and saw it was a dead body. The man had half his face ripped off, and his torso had a huge bloody claw mark across it.

She looked at it in horror until she heard the booming howl of the wolf echoing throughout the tunnel.

Alison picked herself up and ran until she reached the village.

Women were grabbing their children and men grabbed their guns.

Rochelle and Al ran toward me.

"What the hell happened!?" She asked.

"A chimera! It smelled my blood and tracked me here. I'm sorry I just..."

"This wasn't your fault... It was only a matter of time until they found you here. Alphonse, take her and hide. The old automail mechanic will have a place for you." She ordered.

He and I both nodded and ran to the direction where the automail shop was.

"Wait! Where's Ed!?" Al said as he stopped abruptly.

Alison's heart dropped. She had forgotten that she had left him up there with that monster.

"....oh god..."

She stared behind her and saw dozens of people with guns pointed to the entrance of the stairs.

"DONT SHOOT!" She screamed.

But it was too late, the chimera ran down into the aim of fire.

As the smoke cleared, a small patch of red fabric flew in the air and landed at Alison's feet.


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