A/n (pls read!!!)

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Okay, so I'm guessing that you guys know where this is going. I was going to do a chapter on Maes but I honestly couldn't think of anything to make it
not boring.

So, with that being said I'm going to fast forward in the timeline a bit. This will be over a time period of about a month. Ed, Al and Alison literally just research and talk to other alchemists and try to hunt down scar. It's not that exciting tbh.

Now  for those of you who don't want fma spoilers bc you haven't gotten that far in the anime or haven't watched it yet, DONT READ PAST THIS PARAGRAPH UNTIL YOUVE FINISHED IT.

          SPOILER.    ALERT.      

okay, so the next chapter will take place a few days after Maes is killed. Alison, nor the brothers know about it yet so they're just researching. In that research, they decide to learn more about the philosopher stone.

So I'm resuming it at about the time that they meet Dr.Marcoh.

Alright, I just thought that this was easier than having three chapters with nothing going on in them.

Also if you didn't know what Alison looked like the pic that is featured should give you a better idea 😊

Love yous!!!! Byeeeee!!!

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