Chapter 23

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Alison's POV

I get a call from Mustang at about 4:30 in the morning. The sun hasn't even come up yet, and I almost didn't hear it ring.

Ed and Al had left for Resembool the day before, so there were only three of us in the house.

"Hello.." I said groggily.

"Oh good, you're up. I need you to meet me in the court yard of the central building in 10 minutes."

"Wait wh-"

He had hung up before I could finish.

Why the hell did he have to do this now. I was looking forward to sleeping in today too :(

I slipped on a pair of jeans, a T-shirt and tied my boots.

I made sure not to wake mom or Elesia. I left a note saying that I had to go in on short notice.

The air was dry and there was a slight breeze. Not really abnormal for October in central. We rarely ever get cold temperatures, much less snow. Which is sad considering that I've never seen it :(

I reached the gates of central and I showed my pocket watch to the gaurds. They let me in and I went to the back where the courtyard was.

Mustang was standing in the middle drawing something in the dirt.

"Okay, so you give me time off just so you could wake me up at the wee hours of the morning to-.... What the hell are you doing?"

"Come here." He said waving his hand.

I groaned and walked over to him. I stood in front of his "masterpiece" which was a giant transmutation circle.

"You recognize this circle?" He asked.

"Yeah, its the one on your gloves. It turns a spark into a flame."

"Exactly. You're going to learn how to do that exact thing."

Say what now?

"Woah, woah, woah. Why do I have to learn this?"

"Because I'm the teacher and you listen to what I say. Plus.... You have the makings of a flame alchemist as well."

"Look, as much as I appricate that... I can't. Im learning alkahestry and I can't balance two things at once."

"We can work around it. It's either now or never Alison."

He looked tired both mentally and physically. And I could tell that he barely got any sleep.

I sighed," Fine... I'll do it."

He smiled and pushed me into the circle.

I honestly haven't seen him smile for a while. And as much as I don't want to admit it, he's like family. If you think about it, he's like my crazy uncle.

He put me through all these teqniques. I had learned the basics but nothing that I could ever even make a flame with.

I learned the chemistry to it, and the rules. But never how to do it.

He told me to focus all my energy into each individual line of the circle. Now let me tell you, that's not easy. I had to clear my head of everything, which at the moment was extremely difficult.

But I was finally able to do it. I placed my hands in the middle and applied what was taught about it into the circle. A candle was in the center of it so that if I did it correctly it would light.

"Good, now let it all flow into the center.."

It took all my concentration but I was able to flow all of my energy into the center.

And sure enough, that candle's wick lit right up.

I sat on my knees and felt really light headed. Every time I learn a new type of alchemy I get dizzy for a while. The first couple times are the worst. Hell, I remember when I was attempting the basic metal conversion and I passed out. Ahhh, good times.

I closed my eyes and got my bearings straight. The candle was still burning. Even though I did it, I still had a lot of ways to go.

"That's enough. You can go home." He said.

His smile had faded and he only gave me a slight nod before he dismembered the circle, killing the flame.

The old Roy Mustang was at least proud when I accomplished something. Now, he was just cold and harsh. However, he did smile... So at least I got one positive response from him.

"Hey roy...."


"....get some sleep. You're tired."

I walked back to the front of the building, and I could tell that his eyes were on me the entire time.

When I arrived home everyone was still asleep. So I threw away the not I left and passed out on the couch.

He was proud of me... Deep down, he knew it....

I was proud of me at least...

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