Chapter 29

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Alison's POV

"His name is Ashleigh Criton. He was being held on robbing charges throughout Amestris. Apparently, no one noticed he was an alchemist until now." Mustang said.

"But if he was an alchemist, why didn't he do this earlier?"

"I don't know.... I've been wondering the sane thing myself. Apparently he's from Creta. His parents were killed many years ago, and his sister was taken from him by the government. My guess is that he'd be headed back there. Maybe for some type of revenge for what happened."

"Well, maybe we should start in creta then." Ed said.

"We can't, military has been doubled there. We're not exactly in the best state with them right now." I replied.

"Well then how do we catch him?" Al asked.

"There's a military run town that is surrounded by the border. Its called Table City. My guess is that he'd be headed there to get across into creta." Mustang said.

"Great, we'll try there first." Ed said.

As I got up to leave, Mustang called me back..

"I think you should have this." He said handing me a folder.

"What is it?"

"Just open it when you're ready. I didn't want to bring it up with them in the room."

"Mustang, what the hell is going on?"

"Trust me.. You'll want to know."

I took the folder cautiously and walked out.

Before I left the building I saw a name tag on the top of the folder...

Huges, Alison.

No, this can't be....


Mustang had informed the general that we were coming. And the entire train ride I had the folder sitting next to me.

I never opened it... It just sat there...
Ed was asleep and Al was in a daze, so I decided now might be the best time..

I flipped open the folder and the first thing I saw was a picture of me from when I was very young.

It had my name, my height and weight, and my birth date on there.

I skimmed through the file until I found what I was looking for.

Adoption Description.

It has details about why and who I was adopted by.

And then.... I found it.

Parents were Rachael Chriton and James Chriton. Both very skilled Cretan alchemists who were killed by the Cretan military due to their actions.
Alison and their son Ashleigh were the only two survivors.

I felt sick to my stomach. How the hell can he be related to me....

I continued reading...

Ashleigh has been convicted of many crimes such as: robbery, kidnappings, and murder.

Kidnappings and Murder? Who the hell is he exactly?

He is believed to have a vast amount of followers who work for him. Although no real evidence has been found, they are beleived to be mostly made up of chimeras..

I remembered when we were attacked on the train to resembool. The man in the coat and the chimera were trying to kidnap me...

What if they were working for him?

What if he wanted me....

I was nauseous so I got up and walked into another train car...

I think that Al noticed but if he did, he didn't question it.

Officers were going around checking passports and I sat down in a seat across from a man in a top hat.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"Oh.. I'm just visiting some family." I lied.

"You seem a little young to be traveling by yourself." He said.

An officer came up to me and asked for my passport. I showed him my watch and he apologized and walked over to the man.

He glanced at the mans passport and pulled out his gun.

The man kicked him in the gut and stood in front of the hall way.

His body started expanding until his clothes ripped and a wolf chimera, similar to the one before was in place of the man.

He turned to me and his large red eyes stared coldly into me.

I backed against the window, but he was able to grab me with his giant hand. I was small enough for him to be able to hold me in his fist, and even though I was constrained I squirmed and tried to break free.

His grip tightened and it was becoming hard to breathe.

"Don't struggle unless you want to be crushed." He growled at me.

I gave him a cold stare, and knocked out the other gaurds trying to attack.

He jumped through the roof of the train and ran across the cars. His grip was tightening gradually, and I felt like I was slowly suffocating.

The wind was whipping my face as the chimera slowly made its way up to the front train car.

He grabbed the conductors face and smashed it against the controls. Then he broke the brake in half leaving us with no way to stop the train

He stood back up on the roof and was ready to jump onto the other on coming train. However, before he could, a force knocked him down, which lead to him letting go of me.

I flew up and off the side of the train. Everything happened in slow motion.

Just when I was embracing for metal train tracks to hit me, a metal hand reaches out and grabbed mine.

I looked up and was met with golden eyes.

"Looks like you could use a hand."

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