Chapter 32

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Alison's POV

Ed cut me loose and we both hurried out of the transmutation circle before Ashleigh could do anything.

He recovered and glared at the both of us. Ed stood in front of me and transmuted his arm.

Ashleigh chuckled at Ed's attempt at protecting me.

"Well look what we have here, the Fullmetal Alchemist himself. You didn't tell me he was your boyfriend, Alison."


Ashleigh threw the knife at Ed who was able to deflect it with his arm. But he was caught off guard when Ashleigh shoved him out if the way.
I clapped my hands and transmuted a spear.

"Looks like it's me and you." I snarkly said.

"I wouldn't say that.."

All of his henchmen one by one started turning into their chimera forms.

Ashleigh smirked as his army transformed around us.

The bats formed a circle around Ed and I.

"If you want them, you're gonna have to go through us." One of them said.

"That shouldn't be too hard."

Ashleigh snapped and all the chimeras came charging towards out circle.

They all started shooting and many of them were falling one by one.

Ed stood in front of me and kept me from Ashleigh getting ahold of me.

I glaced up at him and his entire face looked determined and focused. But his eyes looked worried.

"Bats, retreat!" One of them yelled.

Ed grabbed my waist,"Hold onto me."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and all of up flew up in the air and out the way they came in.

Ashleigh yelled something at us, but I wasn't able to hear it.

Ed had me tightly in his grasp, but I was still holding on for dear life.

Don't look down.. Don't look down...

I peeked down and saw the ground underneath us. My stomach felt like it dropped twenty feet.

I buried my face in his chest and his grip tightened.

"Don't worry... I'm not letting you get away again..." He said softly.

His words put me at ease and I started to relax.

We didn't land until they made sure we were far away from there. We touched down in a patch of trees and my legs were shaking.

"So, this is the girl you were talking about?" A female said.

She took off her mask and revealed reddish purple hair and dark eyes.

"She's the one." Ed replied.

"Well you must have one hell of a gift if Chriton wants you."

She stared me down. I felt like a hawk was watching me.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Alison..... Alison Hughes."

"Really... I could've sworn he called you 'sister'."

"I was adopted when I was young. Ashleigh is my brother by blood...."

"Hmm.. Makes sense. Rochelle Conoway, leader of the Black Bats." (a/n I forgot her actually name lel)

She held out her hand, and I shook it.

"We can talk about this later when we get back to the pit." She said.

"....the pit?"

"Yeah, our home and base." Another one of them said.

After flying for a good while the canyon which separated Amestris and Creta was below us.

They all started down into the canyon and I was really confused. Its an empty canyon, why are we landing here?

When we reached the bottom, I noticed small shacks and people came out to greet us.

Rochelle handed one of them her mask and helmet and motioned me and Ed her way.

"C'mon, we have a lot to discuss."

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