Chapter 10

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Alison's POV


"Ed! I can't help you if you don't stay still!"

"Well I can't help it, that shit burns!"

Ugh... He's such a baby. Yes, it hurts, but would he rather have it be worse later?

Ed was laying on his stomach on the bed, and I was trying to apply burn cream on his back. But apparently, Mr. Wiggle worm over here isnt cooperating.


He turned on his side so I couldn't reach his back. I crossed my arms and sat back in my chair.

"Look, I told you, its gonna hurt. Now would you rather it blister and get infected?!"

"At this moment, yes."

"Okay, well when it does, don't some crying to me when you need to get a series of painful shots and needles...."

Eds face went white,".......needles......."

"Mhm.... Dozens of them...."

He huffed and plopped back down on his stomach.

"Just do it quick..."

He cringed as it touched his skin. I mean, I felt bad for him... It was kinda my fault that he was injured in the first place...

I finished applying it, and wrapped him in gauze.

"Okay, try not to sleep on you back or apply pressure to it."

"Got it.." He huffed.

"Ed, I mean it."

"Okay, fine."

I let him have the bed and I took the couch. Al had gone out to go get more medicine, so me and Ed were the only ones there.

"Hey Ed?"



"Heh.... It was nothing..."

"I mean.... You almost...."

He sat up and looked at me,"Look, I've come closer to death than more people should have. Something like this isn't new to me... So yeah, I almost died... But at least it was for a good reason.."

"Don't say that! The price of a human life is infinite! You can't exchange life for anything. You of all people should know that!"

I wanted to take back all of what just came out of my mouth. Damnit damnit damnit I should've kept my mouth shut!

"I-i didn't mean it like-"

"No.... You're right..... Nothing can replace life. Once you have it, youve gotta hold onto it. Keep it safe.. If you don't, its just wasted. And I haven't kept it safe enough...."

Ed looked at me straight in the eyes. It felt like he was staring right into my soul.... But it wasn't bad, just weird....

And for a split second, I swore that we we're feeling the same thing.

I broke our awkward eye contact and curled up on the couch. It was still early morning, and j at least wanted a few hours of sleep.



I know it's kind of stalker-ish to watch a person sleep.. But I honestly couldn't help myself.

She was so peaceful. It kinda reminded me of how Winrys dog, Den, slept.

Oh... I just kinda compared her to a dog.... Welp...

Al came back and set the drugs, or whatever the hell Alison sent him for on the table.



"Do me a favor and put my coat over Alison."

Al looked over and noticed that she looked freezing. I was going to do it, but this burn hurts like hell.

He laid it on top of her and she almost instantly grabbed it and pulled it closer.

I kinda did a half smile, but not enough to make Al notice.

Look, I may act ruthless but I've still got feelings Alright?



"What if we don't find a philosopher stone?"

"Well.... We just find another way then..."


"Look, I made a promise to you and to mom. I told her that I would look after you, and take care of you. And that's exactly what I'm going to do."


"No ifs ands or buts, Al!"

Alison moved a bit, and I noticed how loud we were getting.

"Now quiet down, I don't want her complaining that we woke her up."

I slammed my face on the pillow and closed my eyes...

I made a promise. The day she died, and the day we left.

And I will stick to that promise...

Even if it costs me everything..

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