Sickness and Seriousness (5sos)

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This imagine was inspired by a few imagines written by mylittleseraglio in her 5sos Doctor imagine book. If you haven't already please check her book out, it's really good!


******** Your Pov ********

The beeping noise from the many monitors I was hooked up to was keeping me awake, I've always had a tough time falling asleep but now it's even worse because I am in a hospital. My head snapped toward the footsteps that I heard coming from the door way, I watched as the tall, blond haired doctor walked into my assigned room, his stethoscope clinking against his medical identification card.

"You're supposed to be asleep Y/n." He snapped, glancing at my vitals.

"Oh I am so terribly sorry, Luke." I replied, my voice filled with sarcasm in every word, which I knew he absolutely couldn't stand.

He smirked. "It's Doctor Hemmings to you. Why are you awake anyways?" That was a question that I didn't even know the answer to, actually I did, but I wasn't going to tell him that so I made something up.

"Your stupid beeping machine is keeping me awake." I lied, well it wasn't completely a lie because some of it was true. He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"My stupid beeping machine is keeping you awake?" He questioned, probably deciphering my lie, which if my brother caught me lying about my health to a medical professional, I'd probably be in much more trouble.

I huffed. "Yes, that stupid thing is keeping me awake and I'm sick of it."

When Luke's back was turned towards me while he was reading my chart, I quickly grabbed the chord that was connected to the monitor and pulled it out, a loud beeping noise was shortly followed after that.

Luke immediately turned around and breathed a small breath of relief before marching over towards me snatching the chord out of my hands, placing it back in, and resetting the monitor. The door whipped open, followed by a pair of quick footsteps that immediately stopped when they saw Luke had the situation under control. It was Ashton, my older brother.

And another doctor of mine but that doesn't really matter.

"Okay what is going on in here?" Ashton asked, the tone of his voice slightly scaring me.

"Nothing's wrong Ash, and I'm pretty sure Luke will tell you the same thing." I replied with a smirk.

"Actually, I was doing rounds and came in and saw she was still awake, I was told that 'my stupid beeping machine' was keeping her awake, while I was looking at her records, she simply yanked the chord out of the monitor which then made it go off." Luke explained without missing a single detail.

Ashton let out an exasperated sigh and left the room. He returned about a minute later carrying a sliver tray, which I'm guessing had a syringe on it.

"I'm going to give you something to help you sleep." Ashton told me and I gave him a nod, he pulled on a pair of gloves then injected something into my iv. Suddenly I began to feel tired

"We'll be back in the morning with Cal and Mikey, good night Y/n." Ashton said.

Both doctors gave me a hug before exiting my room to complete their rounds. I'm sure I was in for some treat tomorrow when they find out what I've been doing to myself.

*Next day, 9:58 am.*

I awoke the next morning, only to open my eyes to four doctors standing in my room, either quietly talking or writing in a file. One of the two doctors who were writing in a file,(which I then recognized as Calum) looked up and noticed that I was awake.

"Good morning y/n," he said, grabbing my wrist to check my pulse, or at least that's what I assumed he's doing.

As soon as Calum finished his sentence with my name in it, the other three doctors stopped what they were doing and turned to look at me, I knew right then and there that this is where hell begins for me.

You see, when you put my health and these four together they become extremely protective and annoying.

"Hello Y/n." My brother greeted. "I know how much you hate them but today we have give you a physical."

I groaned. "Do I really have to?" Normally I wouldn't mind getting a physical but this time was much different, as the boys would find out that I've been starving myself. Honestly I'm not sure how I got away with it, (considering they're doctors) but I somehow managed with the occasional snack to keep me alive.

"Yes you're having it." Luke replied sternly, something that often happened when I disagreed on something health and medical wise.

"Luke's right," Mikey piped up. "We've actually all been noticing some things and we just want to check."

"Okay fine, you have my "approval"."

I'm Not too sure about this one... Should I make a part two?

I love you and stay strong,

Ali. ❤️❤️

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