Imagine for Blueeeyesss (1D)

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I got glasses today!! Haha, they feel so weird. (12/13)

This is my first time writing anything like this, so my apologies if it's very awful.

Not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes.

Harry's Pov

"Gemma, I told you before. I, am, fine." I told my older sister, who was trying to make me go see our mom, or in this case, the dentist. Ever since I was little I've had an intense dislike of going to the dentist - even if she was my mother.

"Harry.." Gemma said warningly, "I'm not going to sit here and watch you be in pain. You are going to Mom's office at 3 o'clock and that is final." I huffed in response and stomped to my bedroom, slamming my door shut, but somehow it was a quiet slam.

Gemma just didn't understand. She didn't understand my fear of the dentists, that was caused by my old dentist, Doctor Marvin. At first he seemed nice but as the appointments went on, he became violent, slapping my face when I begged him to not pull my teeth without any numbing medicine.
It was horrendous.

I heard Gemma's soft feet begin to walk up the stairs, and I knew then, that it was only a matter of time before she knocked on my door. "Harry? Please don't be mad at me, I just want you to be healthy." She said, still lightly knocking on my door.

"You wouldn't understand Gem."

"Why Harry? Please tell me, I want to help you."

"It's because I'm afraid." I whispered, tears begin to pool in my eyes. This sounded absolutely childish - a teenager shouldn't be afraid of the dentist, hell they shouldn't be afraid of anything. (a/n: I'm 15 and still afraid of the dark 😂)

"Haz, it's okay to be afraid of the dentist. But you shouldn't be - you know why? Because it's only mom and you know for a fact that she would never hurt you on purpose."

Gemma was right, it's only my mom and she would never in a million years hurt me on purpose. I quickly wiped my eyes and went over to my bedroom door to unlock it, as soon as I did Gemma immediately gave me a hug - to which I was grateful for. She then grabbed my hand, dragged me to her car, and begin driving to our mom's office.


"Harry, sit down, sweetheart. Everything will be okay." My mom said, trying her best to comfort me - although it wasn't working as well as she hoped.

I hesitantly sat down in the dental chair and my mom immediately got to work, running her explorer along the surface of each of my back teeth, checking to see if it got stuck - unfortunately, it did.

"You have a tiny cavity, honey. I'm going to fill it now and get it over with, we'll go home and cuddle after." My mom told me, getting all her supplies ready.

She took the q-tip out of my mouth and turned around with a hypodermic - ironically I couldn't even see the needle. My mom pulled my cheek back and begin to inject my gum with the medicine, it was a very strange feeling but I just let it happened, hoping to get out of here soon. Five minutes later and my mom began drilling my cavity, she mixed the composite filling, filled my tooth and cured it.

Once she was finished, she sat my chair up and immediately pulled me into a hug. "You're okay, Harry! I love so much baby boy. Come on, let's go cuddle." My mom said, pulling me up from the dentist chair and leading me to the exit.

I'm now going to try and take better care of my teeth.


Okay, it got really awful halfway through. I am so sorry about that

A. ❤️

1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now