Imagine for antonia_bieber (1D)

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Did you guys enjoy my little joke earlier? 😉


"Aria, let's go" my older brother, Harry, yelled gruffly. He was trying to get me to come out of my room and go to my doctors appointment, but if you couldn't tell already; he was having no luck whatsoever.

I smirked to myself in accomplishment as I heard the sound of his boots walking away from my door. However, it was only a matter of time before a key was unlocking my door and Harry was barging into my room. I gave him a sly smile - which had only caused him to roll his eyes and pick me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

On the way to his car we passed Gemma, our older sister, who gave us a puzzled look, but then must've remembered what was going on as she had given me a sympathetic smile.

"Gemma, save me," I screeched as Harry carried me towards the front door. She gave us a small laugh and waved goodbye; how rude.

Once we were both buckled up we left the driveway, I felt Harry nudge me about five minutes into the drive, and that is what made me give him a powerful glare.

"You know," he began. "If you'd actually shown up to all of your other checkups, we wouldn't be in this situation."

I scoffed, "No, we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you unwillingly dragging me to your clinic."

"Well excuse me for caring about my younger sisters health so much," he retorted back. I turned my head to look out the window after that, his words now echoing in my mind. And for the rest of the drive we both remained quiet.

He pulled his car into his reserved parking space, and as soon as he did, an overwhelming feeling rushed over me. My hands suddenly got all clammy, my face went pale, and my heart began to race.

Harry noticed the state I was in and pulled me into a hug, whispering calming words in my ear. And the comfort of my brother immediately calmed me down.

"Aria, you need to calm down. I promise you everything is going to be alright- you've got nothing to worry about," he reassured me. And soon I did calm down, allowing us both to exit the car.

But it was only a matter of time before things would start to get rough for me.

We walked into the clinic, Harry greeted the receptionist and grabbed a file from her, then began to lead me down the hall. I tried to see what was in the file - considering it had my name on it - but Harry wouldn't allow me to do so. He pulled me into an exam room where we were greeted by Louis, who stood leaning up against the counter, looking at something on his laptop.

He looked up and smiled as he noticed our presence in the room, "Hi Aria, Hi Harry. It's lovely to see you both."

We both greeted him back, technically I gave him a hug but that's beside the point. Harry then lead me towards the exam table and helped me up; only because I was quite small for my age.

After going through the necessary questions with Louis and Harry - which was kind of embarrassing for me - they both gathered the needed equipment for the check up.

"Take some nice, deep breaths for me, yeah?" Louis spoke as he placed the cold metal of his stethoscope on my back. I complied to his request, knowing that if I did not Harry could quite possibly get upset with me. And that was definitely something I was trying to keep from happening.

The stethoscope was then placed over my heart, and at this time Harry decided to come towards me as well; he had a torch and tongue depressor in his hands. He then proceeded to check my eyes and throat.

"Are you okay Aria? You're heart is beating really fast," Louis said, catching my attention.

I smiled falsely at him, "Yes I'm fine." He sent me a look but didn't push the question any further.

Oh boy.. How long was this appointment going to last?


It was about half an hour later when we finished. I tried to exit the room to leave, but Harry had ended up grabbing me before I could. He lead me back towards the exam table, this time he made sure I stayed put.

Now there was definitely something suspicious about this. And I could only hope they weren't going to jab me with one of my worst fears; needles.

A knock was heard on the other side of the coded door before a nurse walked in, and place a silver tray on the counter, it held four syringes. Definitely not happening!!

"Harry," I whined, my eyesight never leaving the tray of needles.

"Aria," he mocked. I shot him a glare and as soon as I looked back towards the counter, the tray was gone.

Louis, who must've somehow teleported across the room, stood in front of me. And there in his hands was the tray.

He placed it on the bed and far out of my reach, well-aware of what happened the last time I had needed shots. He pulled on a pair of gloves then opened an alcohol wipe.

The cold wetness was wiped on my upper right arm and replaced by a dry gauze. Next, he uncapped the syringe and flicked it for air bubbles. My only focus now on the needle, and I'm sure my eyes were playing tricks on me as its size kept increasing.

And just as the needle was about to pierce my skin. I immediately jumped out of Harry's arms out of shock and fear, accidentally making Louis drop the syringe on the floor.

"Aria!" Harry boomed. His voice was loud, and I wondered if the entire building could hear him.

Everything was starting to become too much and I burst into tears, just like in the car.

Harry gave me a sad smile, "Lou, do you mind giving us a minute?" The older doctor nodded, muttering something about getting another vaccine, and left the room.

"I'm sorry Harry. I didn't mean to make you mad," I sobbed, my tears making little stains on his shirt.

"Shh, it's not your fault. We all know how much you hate getting shots, and we should've been more prepared for this." He softly spoke.

Soon Louis had returned with the new vaccine and motioned for me to sit on the exam table again. He repeated the process of wiping down my arm and injected two vaccines in my arm, the same thing was done on my left arm for the last two vaccinations.

Louis disposed of them in the sharps container and pulled of his gloves.

"You did good, Aria," he praised me, pulling me in for a hug and leaving the room to tend to his other patients.

I looked towards Harry and smiled, he sent one straight back to me and lead me out of the clinic.

Obviously Harry and I had our fights, even about the stupidest things, but at the end of the day, we both loved each other.
And I am grateful for him always stressing about my health and being overprotective of me, even if it was slightly annoying at times.

I knew that it was all out of love.


Not really sure what to write here, haha.


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