Imagine for Anyone (5sos)

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Since I haven't written a 5sos, or doctor imagine in awhile, I've decided to write one. The characters name will be Charlotte, but feel free to change it to any name you'd like.

Not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes.

Charlotte Hemmings staggered alongside her older brother Luke, who just also happened to be her doctor. A few days ago, Charlotte went out in the rain without a coat and now she is paying the price, as she has fallen ill. Long story short, Luke found out and now he was making her go to the hospital so he and his friends could diagnose what's wrong.

"Luke, is it really necessary that I go." Charlotte asked, as she tried to keep up with her older brother and his long legs.

"It's not really necessary, Charlotte. But I just want to make sure you are okay and this is not something worse than a simple cold."

"Luke.. I told you before that I am fine." Charlotte said irritated, simply because her brother dragged her out of her warm bed at 7 am.

"Please, just let me and the guys do our job, Char."

The two walked into the main entrance of the hospital and Charlotte was guided to a room by Luke. He instructed her to sit on the exam bed while they waited for the other three doctors to arrive. It was quite boring just sitting there for Charlotte but for Luke it was a different story, his focus was on the laptop in front of him where Charlotte's medical records were loaded up. Luke was scrolling through when something important caught his attention; the date for Charlotte's last physical.

November 20th, 2014

That was two years ago. Luke had no idea how he didn't notice before but it's in the past now, he'll just give her one today.

"Charlotte?" Luke asked, gaining the young girl's attention. "When was the last time you had a physical?"

"Probably about two years ago."

"That's what I thought.. We'll just give you one today." Said Luke, as he stood up to grab a gown for Charlotte to change in. He left the room and waited outside the door. Charlotte opened the door just as Calum, Michael and Ashton arrived.

"Hi Char!" Ashton greeted, as he gave her a hug. The other two doctors gave her hugs as well, before they all walked into the room.

Charlotte sat down on the bed once again and waited for her older brother and his mates to begin. "Do you have anything that's bothering you?" Luke asked, grabbing his stethoscope from around his neck.

"Well... My throat has been hurting me a lot, especially when I sallow."

"Okay, let's begin then." Mikey said.

The doctors completed the physical and all that was left to do was do a strep test, as Charlottes' throat was very red.

"Okay, just open your mouth nice and wide for me, Charlotte." Calum said, standing in front of her with a cotton swab. He swabbed the back off her throats and took it to the lab to be tested.

Luke and Charlotte left the hospital and begin walking back to their house. The result of the throat culture came back negative, it was just a bad case of the common cold. Hopefully Charlotte wouldn't have to go to the hospital for another year.

Not sure what that was *cringes*

Is it bad that I only got three hours of sleep?

A. ❤️

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