Sickness and Seriousness [re-written] (5sos)

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I've decided to re-write this imagine- as I feel the first version was quite awful. For the sake of this imagine the characters name will be Carly, but feel free to change it to any name you like.

Warning: This imagine features references to anorexia and self harm. I am in no way romanticizing self harm or anorexia.

*Carly's Pov*

I sat quietly on the hospital exam bed, waiting for the four doctors to walk into the room- one of them being my brother. Every time someone walked by the door; I'd think it's them with their many torturous tools.

A soft knock on the door interrupted me from my small daydream as my brother and his mates walked in, all of them had a stethoscope draped around the back of their necks, my brother was carrying a large file- which I assumed contained my health history and such.

"Hi Carly." My brother greeted, placing the file on the small counter in the room.

"Why am I here Ash?" I inquired my brother, who was at the moment washing his hands. He took a seat next to me and ran his hands through is hair, "Sweetheart, we're admitting you here for inpatient treatment for anorexia and self mutilation."

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I processed the information, I wasn't sick at all. "But Ash, I'm not sick." I protested, the tears now rolling down my face.

One of his colleagues (who I then recognized as Michael) walked over to the end of the bed. "Yes you are Carly, you're severely malnourished and underweight, we've also found numerous amounts of cuts all over your body."

Loud sobs escaped my mouth, as Ashton pulled me into a hug and tried to calm me down, but it wasn't working. I was perfectly fine and didn't need any help, they just couldn't see that.

Ashton's soothing words calmed me down somewhat, he carefully laid me down on my bed as I began to fall asleep. "Good night beautiful." I heard him whisper, before the door was  shut.


Several hours later, I woke up to someone's cold hands on my wrist- probably feeling my pulse. It turned out to be Calum.

A tray of food with high carbs and calories, was placed on the hospital table in front of me. I wouldn't dare touch any of it.

Calum's voice interrupted me from the little daze I was in. "Hey it's not going to bite you," he laughed. "Seriously though you have to eat."

"I'm not hungry."

"How about this, you eat and I'll leave you alone until lunch time." He tried to negotiate, but I wasn't going to let my guard down. "I'm not eating Cal."

He let out a huff of aggravation and crossed his arms. "Okay fine, have it your way." He said and left the room.

Not even two minutes later the door opened and closed again, I didn't bother looking to see who it was because I could tell by the voice.

"Heard you're not eating..."

I sighed, "What do you want Luke?"

"Oh nothing really, it's just that besides me being a general doctor, I also specialize in anorexia."

"That's lovely to know Luke." I replied annoyed, mainly because I was stuck in this boring hospital room.

Luke walked out of the of the room and came back a minute later, holding some files. "If I'm going to have to sit here until you eat, might as well get some work done." He said, grabbing a pen from the pocket of his white coat.

I chuckled, "You don't have to sit here Luke."

"Actually I do, we were all given strict instructions by your brother to make sure you eat and don't harm yourself. If you refuse to eat, we'll have to put a NG tube in." He told me with no emotion, at all.

The fact of having a tube put down my nose and into my stomach scared me, I guess I'll just have to eat then.

"Thanks Mikey." I said, after he cleaned up my cuts.

"You're welcome, I'll be back tomorrow morning for your counseling session."

Ashton walked in about ten minutes later, he checked a few things before carefully laying down next to me.

He kissed my forehead, "I love Carly."

"Love you too Ash."

Hopefully that one wasn't as awful... (awkwardly laughs)

QOTD: Who's your favorite member of 5sos and/or 1D?

Answer: I love them all the same!!

A ❤️

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