Imagine for Amcl_5sos (5sos)

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I've been thinking of writing a 5sos doctor book, but I'm not too sure yet. Let me know your thoughts on if you think I should or not.


I sneezed for the ninth time already, and it's only been an hour since I woke up for the day. Recently I had danced outside in a rainstorm - despite the protests of my overprotective boyfriend, Ashton - and now I have unfortunately turned out to be sick.

I probably should've listened to him in the first place, considering I had a tendency to get sick quite easily; especially if I went out in any bad weather.

"Good morning babe," Ashton greeted happily as he appeared in the living room, where I sat surrounded by tissues.

"Hi Ash," I sickly replied back, sneezing immediately after.

He frowned, "Babe, I told you not to go out in the rainstorm." At this I couldn't help but smile, it was so cute how protective he was of me.

"I know, but you know how much I like the summer rain," I retorted, once again sneezing after I had finished speaking.

He rolled his eyes playfully at me and sat down next to me, placing his hand on my forehead. A gasp escaped his lips as he quickly pulled his hand away.

"Babe, you're burning up, I'm gonna go grab the thermometer," he announced, standing up and walking down the hallway. I tried to object and say that I was fine, but he was too stubborn.

Ashton returned rather quickly and placed the thermometer in my mouth, without my consent may I add. It soon beeped and he removed it from my mouth. Another gasp following after that.

"Grace, you have a 102.2 fever. I'll get you some medicine for that," he spoke, leaving the room once again, and returning with a spoonful of the icky medicine.

"Ashton," I groaned. "I refuse to take that disgusting medicine."

He looked slightly displeased at my response and let out a sigh of frustration.
I understand that he loves me and only wants the best for me, the best right now being for me to get better, but there was absolutely no way I was going to take that medicine. Which may I state tastes nothing like cherries or whatever fruit it's supposed to taste like.

"Grace, please, just take the medicine and then we can watch movies or something," he tried to reason with me, but I wasn't letting my guard down.

"Ash, I already to you--" But before I could finish my sentence, he sneakily placed the spoon in my open mouth and proceeded to cover my mouth until he was sure that I swallowed it.

Surely I should have expected this - considering this routine always happened whenever I was sick, but my fever was making me feel a bit out of it and I must've forgot that he always did that.

About half an hour later the medicine started to take effect and make me feel drowsy. Ashton noticed this and gently began to stroke my hair, making me even more tired. Soon my eyes closed and I feel asleep, hoping I'd feel better I woke up.


"Babe, wake up," I heard Ashton whisper as he carefully shook me awake. He placed his hand on my forehead again and hummed to himself, he reached over and grabbed the thermometer, placing it in my mouth again.

A high-pitched beep was heard as it registered my temperature. Ashton removed it from my mouth and looked at the results, his eyes widen as he did so. He quickly stood up in a bit of a panicking state.

"You're temp is way too high. I need to call Calum, you just stay right there and rest," he trembled as he dashed down the hallway to make the phone call.

I tried protesting against him calling Calum but again he wasn't listening. You see, besides Calum being the bassist in the band, he was also a doctor. And to sum it up; doctors and I had a tendency of not getting along, especially when they tried to stick a needle in me.

Less than fifteen minutes later Ashton had returned to the living room, this time carrying a cold washcloth and some bags of ice. I sent him a perplexed look as if to question why he was carrying ice, and he must've noticed my confusion because he began to explain why he had ice.

"Calum is on his way, but unfortunately he is stuck in traffic, therefore I was giving strict instructions to put a few bags of ice on you to try and get down your temperature" he explained, already starting to put the bags of ice on my body.

Immediately a shiver went through my entire body and my teeth began to chatter, I was already cold enough, and there was no way that I'd be staying like this until Calum came! I began to remove the bags of ice from my body. but of course, Ashton was having none of that as he simply placed them back on my body.

"Babe, just please cooperate with me, you know I don't like seeing you like this," he stated sadly. I rolled my eyes but decided not to fight with him anymore.

Finally after what felt like forever, for me at least, Calum arrived carrying a large bag that most likely contained his instruments of torture - alright maybe that's a bit extreme but still.

"Hi Grace," Calum greeted me with a sad smile. "Ashton called and said you weren't feeling well, as well as you have quite the fever, so I'm here to check you over."

He then proceeded to walk towards me and sat down on the edge of the couch, placing his bag on the floor. Ashton then walked over as well and helped me to sit up, he then sat next to me as well, rubbing my back for comfort.

"So, what's been going on," asked Calum. He began to pull out numerous medical tools from his bag and placed a tongue depressor in my mouth, looking at my throat with his torch.

Thankfully Ashton had decided to speak for me, "Well Grace has been sick for about three days now, complaining of a sore throat, the chills, body aches, and on top of the she had a fever of 105°." Calum nodded taking in the new information.

He grabbed his stethoscope and placed the bell on my back, asking me to take some deep breaths. I complied, but it was quite hard when I also needed to cough every time.

Once he was finished he placed the stethoscope back in his bag and grabbed the otoscope that was on the side of him, and looked in my ears. He then began to place everything neatly back into his bag.

"I'm going to say you just have the mild version of the flu. I'll prescribe you with some antibiotics and hopefully everything should clear up in a week or two," he explained and then turned towards Ashton. "Make sure she gets her rest and drinks plenty of fluids, call me if she gets worse."

And then he left after that.

I looked up at Ashton and sent him a smile, which I had received one in return. Even if he was a bit too protective of me most of the time - I still loved him no matter what.

Expect for when he returned with the disgusting, non cherry flavored medicine.


That one was quite long, haha! But I really hoped you guys enjoyed it.

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