Imagine for Amcl_5sos (5sos)

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This imagine is not proof read, my apologies for any mistakes.
When you write the ending first. 🙃


Earlier this morning when I woke up, my chest felt tight; almost as if I couldn't breathe. Now I know that I have been sick with a cold, but now this just didn't seem normal to me - like there was something much more going on.

I contemplated on telling my boyfriend, who was also my doctor - but decided against it as he would most likely make a big fuss out of nothing.

If only I knew it just wasn't nothing..


I walked into the hospital where my boyfriend worked; to meet him for lunch. He had called me a couple of hours ago saying he wanted to have lunch with me - personally I thought it was a bit unusual since he normally didn't do this, but I went along with it anyways.

"Hi Grace," Ashton greeted me at the front desk. I took note of how he didn't have his lunch with him; only a stethoscope.

"Hi Ash," I greeted him back, giving him a kiss as well. "I thought you brought your lunch today."

He laughed, "Yeah I did, but I ordered us a pizza instead-which is in my office."

I nodded in response and began to follow him towards his office. Throughout the entire walk there I kept getting short of breath and coughing an awful lot - I'm guessing Ashton noticed because he kept asking if I was alright.

"Come on," Ashton spoke as he picked me up bridal style. I pondered if I should question him about where we were going, but figured he probably just wanted to carry me the rest of the way.

Boy was I wrong..

"Ash where you going?" I asked once I noticed that this was the opposite direction of his office.

"Don't worry about it, babe," he replied - which only got me worrying even more.

Therefore I wasn't surprised when he walked into a vacant hospital room; I figured this would've been happening sooner or later, but it apparently turned out to be sooner.

"Alright Grace, I'm just going to the basic stuff," he spoke, grabbing a thermometer. He slid it under my tongue and waited for it to record. "101.3 - if it gets any higher than that we'll have to put an iv in."

Hearing those seven last words made my eyes widen - mostly because of the fact that I hated needles.

Ashton than checked my ears, eyes, and throat, (which was a tad red) before uncoiling the stethoscope from around his neck.

He placed it on my back first, "Okay Grace; take some slow deep breaths for me." I obeyed and took some deep breathes whilst he listened to my lungs.

He then proceeded to listen to my heart, chest, and had me cough while he listened. After that he wrapped the stethoscope back around his neck and said he'd be back.

A few minutes later he returned with a gown, supplies for an intravenous line, and some other stuff that I did not know the name of.

"It seems you have severe bronchitis - which could turn into pneumonia. I'd like to keep you here for a few days in case you get worse, and with that being said, I'm also going to put you on an iv line with fluids and antibiotics," Ashton explained as he handed the gown to me.

Once I had changed into the gown, and Ashton had put the iv in; with some struggle from me. He left me to rest while he tended to an emergency call.


Two days have passed since Ashton admitted me into the hospital, and unfortunately I have only been getting worse. Ashton said he thinks I am getting the early stage of pneumonia, and therefore made the suggestion to put me on stronger antibiotics.

Currently I was waiting for him to my room; along with his colleague Luke.

And at that very moment they had decided to walk into the room, with a hypodermic, may I add.

"Hi Ash, Hi Luke. What's with the syringe?" I asked, hoping it was only for my iv. But I had a strong feeling that I was wrong.

"It's your stronger dose of antibiotics, this will help off the pneumonia, and hopefully won't make it stronger." Luke explained as he pulled on a pair of gloves.

I smirked, "And I assume it'll be going in my iv?" I questioned sarcastically.

"Haha you're cute," Ashton laughed. "But no this won't be going in your iv; instead it'll be going in your arm."

My eyes widened at his response and Ashton pulled me into a hug, immediately calming me down with his touch and voice.

Luke wiped my arm with an alcohol prep pad - then plunged the needle in and injected the medicine. To say it hurt would be an understatement; for me at least.

That same process went on once a day for at least a week, and eventually I grew to the feeling of the needle. Although it still did hurt each time.

Yesterday morning Ashton had discharged me from the hospital - stating I was almost fully recovered but still well enough to go home. He had also sent me home with a prescription of antibiotics, which were pills this time.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Ashton asked. He was about to leave for his shift at the hospital, but was feeling a bit apprehensive about leaving me alone in my (kind of) ill state.

"Yes babe," I reassured him. "I promise you that I'll be fine."

He seemed hesitant to answer but eventually did, "Alrighty then. But please do not hesitate to call if you need me, I'll have my phone on, and the boys will have theirs too."

As soon as he left I thought about how lucky I am to have am, even if he did jab me with needles.


I am very sorry for how long you've waited for this imagine!!

Much love to all of you,

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