Imagine for Bobbimilne (5sos - doctor)

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There's a brief mention of a panic attack in this imagine, so just a warning for anyone.

Hope you enjoyed!


I anxiously sat in the waiting room of my local clinic to receive one of my worse fears: vaccines.

Ever since I was young this has been a nightmare of mine, countless times I missed important vaccines because of my fear - another reason for this appointment now.

Because of this, a few times past clinics got upset with me when this happened. I usually would freak out and have a panic attack, that sometimes resulted in the staff refusing to work with me unless I got sedated.

Ultimately I refused their offer and left, because getting sedated means possibly a needle - not something I want to endure if I'm trying to avoid.

Some would say that this fear of mine was silly, or something I'd grow out of. But I never did.

Eventually a young doctor named Ashton called me back. We chatted for a bit during our walk to an exam room. Once there, he instructed me to sit as he looked over my chart.

"You know," Ashton spoke a few minutes later, from where he stood glancing at my chart. "There's a good portion of vaccines missing from your records, mostly what you should've gotten as a child or teenager. How'd this happen?"

His attention was now focused on me, making me anxious under his stare. "I'm uh.. not too keen on needles."

He giggled, "That's alright, most people aren't or have some type of fear. But we should at least cover some of the more important vaccinations today. Do you mind if I call another doctor in here to help?"

I shrugged, ultimately having no other choice, "You're the doctor." Another laughed ensued from him as he pressed a few buttons on his pager.

Pretty soon another doctor was entering the room. This one was a tall golden-blond haired, male, his hair was curled and his eyes were blue. His clothing he wore was mostly identical to Ashton's.

"You paged me?" The unnamed doctor questioned. Ashton handed him my chart which he briefly nodded at, making a few humming  noises every now and then.

"Yes, this is Bobbi, she's here for a few vaccinations but is feeling a bit unsteady about that."

The taller blond smiled, "Nice to meet you, Bobbi. I'm Doctor Hemmings, but feel free to call me Luke." I smiled politely and shook his hand.

He and Ashton then began to converse, which I'm assuming was about me, using medical terminology that I didn't understand nor did I want to.

"That's a lot of vaccines to miss," Luke spoke after Ashton filled him in on what happened within the past ten minutes or so.

"Yeah it is," Ashton agreed. "She's yet to have varicella too."

"Man that's rough, poor thing," laughed Luke. The two then decided to discuss on which vaccines they should give me, finally after much deliberation, they finally decided to go with only three of them; much to my dismay.

"I choose to do none," I butted in, hoping they'd actually listen to my propersition, but then again they were the doctors here.

"Too bad that's not an option," joked Ashton, but he seemed so serious at the same time. Luke had left momentarily to attend to a page he had gotten whilst Ashton worked on preparing the vaccines.

However, once I caught sight of the needle, my stomach began to feel sick. It almost felt as if I was going to faint, but thankfully I didn't.

Soon Luke had returned just as Ashton had finished. The hypodermics laid on a silver tray along with a few gauze pad, band-aids, and some alcohol wipes.

Luke sat down next to me as Ashton began to roll up the sleeve of my arm.
He cleaned an area of my arm, followed by uncapping the needle. And just as he was nearing me, I immediately jumped off the table and begin to panic.

"Stop, stop, stop! I'm not doing this, I can't," I sobbed, beginning to panic and hyperventilate. My breathing became erratic, feeling like I couldn't breathe at all.

"Bobbi, please calm down for us. Everything's going to be okay," Luke tried to plead with me, but once he noticed that wasn't working, he began to talk to Ashton. "Page Clifford and hood."

I couldn't hear much after that, besides the sound of my heavy breaths and murmured talking. A new voice began to talk to me and hold my hands, whispering gentle, reassuring words to me.

Slowly but surely I began to relax some more and opened my eyes, revealing two more doctors in the room. One stood talking to Ashton and writing in a chart - presumably mine, the other was the sat in front of me, holding my hands.

Shortly he introduced himself as Calum and the other doctor as Michael. Eventually I was calm enough to try once more, and thankfully this time each of the boys distracted me.

Before I knew it the appointment was over and we were all bidding our goodbyes, but not before Ashton made an appointment for me to have a blood draw the following week.

Oh great!


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