Imagine for Phandom_phan_123 (1D)

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Guys.. is it weird that I sometimes wish I was from England just for the accent? 😂

Happy 1st birthday to baby Freddie!
Melanie's Pov:

My eyes jolted open to the sound of soft whispers next to me; Harry and Lilly. The two love of my lives, also known as my husband and daughter. It then occurred to me that Lilly had a dentist appointment today, and with it her phobia of dentists, today would be difficult.

"Hi babe," Harry greeted once he saw I was awake. He planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"Mommy!" Lilly shouted, kissing my lips just as Harry had done. I smiled at her cuteness; she wanted to be just like her dad.

By the time we finished breakfast and got ready; it was time to go.


"Mommy, daddy, you said we were going to the park." Lilly whimpered in the backseat, as we pulled into parking lot of the dentist office.

"We're going to see your Uncle Niall. Aren't you excited baby girl?" Harry asked her, unbuckling her from her car seat.

Lilly unsurely shrugged her shoulders, laying her head down on Harry. We walked into the office and signed Lilly in. A dental assistant called Lilly's name a few minutes later; guiding us to a dental exam room.

"Hi Lilly!" Niall greeted her. She gave wiggled out of Harry's arms and gave Niall a hug. "Ready to get your teeth cleaned?" He asked.

Lilly shrugged her shoulders but allowed Harry to place her in the dentist chair, on top of his lap.

Niall pulled on a pair of gloves and sat down on the stool next to Lilly. The dental chair was tilted back; Lilly began to panic but luckily Harry calmed her down.

"I'm just going to use these to count your teeth." Niall said, showing her the mirror and explorer.

Lilly opened her mouth and he began to count her teeth and check for cavities. Once he was finished with that, he announced he would be polishing her teeth.

"Can I please have bubblegum toothpaste?" Lilly spoke up for the first time since we got here.

"You sure can princess."

The rest of the cleaning went  great, up until Niall asked to speak to me in the hall. I could only imagine what he was going to say; Lilly has a cavity.

"Lilly has a very small cavity, but within the next week it could get bigger. I'd like to fill it now if that's alright with you."

"Yes that's fine," I paused, " I'll-uh go let them know." He smiled sadly at me and walked down the hall.

Walking into the room again my heart was racing because of nervousness. I didn't know how Lilly was going to react and that scared me.

Harry saw my distraught face, "What's wrong babe?"

"Lilly has a sugar bug."

He frowned and began to stroke her Lilly's hair.

Niall returned a few minutes later with a tray of supplies. He set the tray down on the counter and began to look at Lilly's x-rays.

"Lilly, you have a cavity. Do you know what that is?" He asked, rearranging his dental instruments.

She nodded her head, "yea, it's a black spot on the tooth. Doesn't having a cavity mean getting a needle?" Despite being a five year old; she was very smart for her age.

"Sadly it does, but you're a brave princess, right?" She nodded eagerly at him.

"I think I'm ready Uncle Ni!"

Niall smiled sadly and pulled on a pair of gloves again. He picked up a cotton swab with topical gel on it and put it on her gum near the decayed tooth.

He took it out and grabbed the syringe. Lilly was very cooperative, only wincing twice; she was very brave.

For the rest of the time we were there, everything went excellent, Lilly only whining at the noise of the drill. Niall allowed her to pick out two toys from the basket and sent us on our way.


1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now