Imagine for Hallohellohola (1D)

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Requests are closed until further notice. However, I will be writing part two to any imagines (doctor only) you'd like me to write. Of course it will be done after I have written the requests I have.

Not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes.

I glanced at the clipboard in my hand and let out a sigh. You see, I'm a pediatrician and have been volunteering in Africa for the past month - it was mostly giving vaccinations to the children.

A week ago my boss had told me that another pediatrician would be coming to volunteer as well, and that just so happened to be today. Some of the nurses - who had already seen him today - could-not stop talking about how amazing he is with children, and also how handsome he is.

But getting back to the task at hand; I had to give a few important vaccines to a three year old girl, and that was most definitely going to be difficult. However I had a job to do, therefore I grabbed the needed vaccinations and headed towards to mini exam room where the young girl was waiting.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Sophia, and I will be giving you a few shots today," I tried explaining to her as calmly and gentle as I could, unfortunately she had burst into heartbreaking sobs at the mention of shots.

I tried all that I cold to have her calm down somewhat before she could make herself sick, but that was exactly what happened and only made her upset even more. This was certainly something I have never dealt with in the five years of my career, and I myself was beginning to panic a bit.

And if things couldn't get any worse a knock was heard from outside the entrance of the room. I turned and saw another doctor with gorgeous green eyes and curly hair, then it hit me, this must've been the new volunteer doctor.

He smiled at me, "I heard crying and figured I'd come help ya, since I just finished with my last patient for the day." His voice was quite deep with a British accent to it, and I would love to just listen to it for hours.

Without even telling him to; he walked towards Aliyah (the young girl) and started talking to her. She immediately began to smile and laugh, completely forgetting the reason for her crying.

He motioned for me to get everything ready, which I did, slipping on a pair of gloves, grabbing some gauze, an alcohol wipe, a band-aid, and the vaccinations.

I stood near Aliyah and rolled up the sleeve of her shirt, wiping her arm with the alcohol wipe. I then grabbed the gauze and wiped it again.

Next I grabbed the first vaccine and tried my best to kept it out of Aliyah's sight, thankfully she didn't notice, until I plunged the needle into her skin and a loud sob was heard.

The other doctor in the room, whose name I still did not know, began to calm her down as I injected the other vaccinations.

Once that was over, I peeled off my gloves and cleaned everything up, whilst the other doctor brought Aaliyah back to her mother.

"Thanks for helping me, I probably wouldn't have been able to do that on my own," I told the other doctor when he walked back into the room.

"It was no problem at all. I'm Harry by the way." He reached his hand out for me to shake, which I did, and then sat down on one of the chairs in the room. He opened up a file that he brought back with him, and it was then that I noticed that it had my name on it.

"Sophia," he spoke, catching me attention. "Have you had the proper vaccinations to ensure you don't get any diseases?"

"Well, no, not really," I confessed. There wasn't any point in lying since he had my file right in front of him.

"I could do it for you right now." But before he had anytime to protest, he had already left the room.

I was resting my eyes when he returned. The sound of the metal tray being placed onto the counter had startled me.

"Since you're laying down, I'll just do the vaccines this way," he explained, slipping on a pair of gloves.

The coldness of the alcohol wipe on my arm made me shiver. Soon he uncapped the needle and injected the first vaccination into my body. I felt two more pinches after that, and he soon announced that he was finished.

"Thank you, again, Harry." He smiled and left the room. Maybe working with him wouldn't be so bad after all.


So it's been a while since I have last posted an imagine, and I definitely apologize for that. But, as you already know, I've been quite busy with life and just haven't had much time to write as much as I'd liked to.


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