Imagine for Anonymous (1D)

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This user has requested to remain anonymous.

I just want to put a heads up for everyone. This imagine will feature Larry Stylinson, and I know not everyone ships them, so please do not comment rude things on this imagine.

Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about wisdom teeth extractions. This is not entirely accurate information, I'm just going to write it as how a regular tooth extraction is done.

"Haz, it's going to be okay. You need to calm down." I whispered to my boyfriend. He had just found out that he needed his wisdom teeth removed and is now upset.

He sobbed, "Lou.. I don't want to go." Hearing his cries broke my heart, I've never seen him so upset. Harry snuggled closer to me and I wrapped my arms around the younger boy; wanting to protect him from anything.

"I know you don't, babe. But you heard the dentist; if you don't have them removed they could get infected." He whimpered again and slowly drifted off to sleep.

A week later

"Haz, baby.. it's time to wake up." I said, poking him. His eyes fluttered open and widened; he must've realized what today is.

It was the day Harry had to get his wisdom teeth removed. I felt so bad for him as I knew of his one fear; dentists.

"Lou, I don't want to go. Can't we just stay here and cuddle?"

I smiled sadly at him, "I'm sorry baby, but you need to have your wisdom teeth out. Didn't you say they were also causing you pain?" He nodded his head, "See, I don't want you to be in pain, so it's best if you have them taken out. Okay?"

"Okay, Lou."

I could already tell today was going to be a very long and tough day.


"Haz, come on, you need to get out of the car."

We were currently in the parking lot of the dental surgery, and Harry was refusing to go in. I was starting to loose my patience with him; but didn't want to shout and upset him.

"Lou.." he whined, tears beginning to fall. I pulled him into a hug and whispered soothing words to him.

"Come on Haz, lets go inside, get your teeth removed, and then we can go cuddle."

He got out of the car and I took my hand in his; together we went into the dental surgery.


"It's going to be okay, babe." I whispered to Harry, as he started to get anxious. He was shaking from fear, tears still falling down his cheeks; poor baby.

"Harry?" A dental assistant called. Harry shakily stood up from the chair and put his hand in mine. We followed the nice lady back to a medium sized room. I tried to shield Harry from looking at the many dental instruments; unfortunately he saw them.

I guided him down into the dental chair and sat next to him, holding his still shaking hand. The oral surgeon came over to us holding two syringes - probably the local anesthetic.

"Okay Harry, we're just going to give you the local anesthetic now. You're mouth will be completely numb after this and you should not feel a thing." The oral surgeon said, getting ready to inject the medicine into Harry's gums.

Harry opened his mouth and the oral surgeon brought the syringe closer. He squeezed my hand tighter as the needle pierced his gums; it hurt but I could live with it. Once the oral surgeon was finished, Harry immediately jumped into my arms.

"Shhh, it's okay Haz. You did so well and I'm very proud of you." I praised him, attempting to calm him down as well.

He sat back down in the dentist chair and let the oral surgeon continue his job. The oral surgeon picked up a pair of dental pliers and put them in Harry's mouth. Within minutes the first wisdom tooth was out.

Only three more to go.


"Haz, I need to change your gauze, please cooperate with me and then we can do whatever you want."

"Okay.." he mumbled, opening his mouth. I grabbed the bloody gauze pad and quickly put a new one in; tossing the old one away.

"I love you Lou."

I kiss his forehead, "love you too Haz."

I hope this was good. 😬

Love you!

1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now