Imagine for Nikawillavegail (5sos)

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Sorry for the small delay in posting this imagine.

Again this imagine is not proof read, and I do apologize for any grammatical errors that I have made in this imagine.

Mention of abuse


Willow's pov:
I groaned as another punch was thrown at my face. Justin, my abusive boyfriend, was the one who was doing this to me, and he has been since a year and a half ago. At first when we started dating he was incredibly sweet, but soon he changed and it unfortunately was not for the better. And not once did I think of telling my older brother Luke; that was definetly not happening

Ya see; Luke was a doctor, he was mine to be specific, and I absolutely could not stand his profession. There was no explanation as to why, I have just always felt this way about it. Maybe it was the fact that some doctors tend to prod into people's personal business, and deep down I know that Luke wasn't like that; but that still would most likely NOT change the way I felt about his profession.

Although as soon as my head hit the hard surface after Justin kicked my down the stairs; I now knew that something now had to be done, and that something was calling for help. But of course I didn't call Luke, the main reason being that I was afraid of what his reaction may be, he could quite possibly be mad at me. Therefore I called his friend; Calum, who just so happened to be a doctor as well.

"Ca- Calum? It's me, Willow," I spoke over the voice, my voice a panicky shaken mess. Luckily for me Justin had left the house - which allowed to make this phone call.

"Willow, are you alright?"He questioned, the concern held in his voice was heard clearly. I let out a mild groan of pain, and that had only made the doctor on the other line repeat his question.

I took in a shaky breath, "Everything hurts Cal, please come get me,"

"Oh okay," he responded somewhat surprised, but I would react the same way if my best mates little sister called saying she was hurt. "Where are you?"

"I don't remember exactly, but it's right off the intersection of conch and coral," I recalled to him, not remembering all of the details. Calum assured me that that everything would be fine and him plus the boys were on their way.

(A/n: Damn, spongebob is my childhood. Okay carry on)

Somehow I knew my brother would be here.


The sounded of the front opening shook me out of my half-dazed state, I weakly cowered away thinking it was Justin coming back to harm me more, but was welcome with the voice of my brother shouting my name. I tried to call back to him to let him know where I was; but my energy was just too weak.

Thankfully I heard Michael say he was going to check the basement, and it was a good thing too; as I felt I was loosing consciousness with each passing minute.

"Willow!" I could faintly hear his shouts. He rushed towards me and pressed two fingers to my wrist, I assumed he was feeling for a pulse.

He abruptly called Luke's name, and he too was downstairs in seconds. They were both assessing my injures and asking what had happened; it wasn't long before Ashton and Calum came down as well, both carrying large medical bags.

But that was the last thing I remembered as everything faded to black.

Luke's pov:
I let a sigh of frustration once Willow had shut her eyes, the boys giving me sympathetic looks. Unfortunately Willow didn't get the chance to tell me what or who had caused this before she lost consciousness, but something was telling me that her boyfriend did this to her.

I pushed those thoughts aside and focused on my sister. She was all covered in bruises, scrapes, deep cuts; it hurt me to see her this way- in such a vulnerable state.

Whilst I was in the middle of inserting the iv line into the back of Willow's hand, her eyes began to flutter open, and I was very grateful that they did.

I brushed some hair out of her face, and that was when I noticed the dark purple bruise. Someone must have definitely done this to her.

"Willow, can you hear me?" I asked as I shined a light in her eyes, checking for a concussion. She weakly turned her head away from the light and muttered something about it being too bright. I also had asked her to follow the light with just her eyes, but she would not comply.

"She had a mild concussion and is conscious, but not very responsive," I spoke to Ashton, who was checking the remainder of Willow's injuries.

As soon as we were one hundred percent sure that Willow could be moved - we placed her onto a backboard and carried her up the stairs to the awaiting ambulance. Once inside we hooked her up to a heart monitor, blood pressure monitor, and a pulse oximeter. We had also put some more pain meds into her iv line.

I sat down next to Willow and took her hand in mine, she turned her head to look at me - the neck brace stopping her slightly - I could clearly see the one emotion on her face; and that was fear. She was obviously scared or shaken up about someting, perheps it was because of her boyfriend.


Third person pov:

Luke and his friends rushed the bruised girl into the hospital and immediately got her set up into a room. They had changed her into a gown and began to address the major injuries; luckily there was not many, only a few deep gashes that need stitches.

The team of four then proceeded to wheel Willow down to radiology, where they discovered she had four broken ribs and a broken ankle. Unfortunately they were not able to do anything with the ribs besides just allowing them time to heal on their own. As for the broken ankle, it was placed into the correct position and put into a cast.

Although Willow had never recovered from this traumatic event and was left emotionally hurt, she would always have her brother to lean on.
And in the end she realized that was she really needed.


I am legit cringing from whatever that was.


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