Imagine for Nxcxnrxl (5sos - doctor)

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Please note that anything medical in this book is not entirely accurate as it's mainly researched from google.

I hope you guys enjoy this imagine!

*Becca's P.O.V.*

A heavy sigh escaped my lips from where I lied in bed, coughing continuously. This has been happening for almost two weeks now, but despite that, I've still went to school.

However, that only proved to weaken my condition.

Because now I was ninety-nine percent sure that I developed a fever as well. Unfortunately for me, my brother Ashton was a surgeon, one of my many fears in the medical field.

He worked at the local hospital and was most times eager to bring me along with him - much to my dismay. Most times he animatedly discussed any surgeries he had that day, sometimes it was in detail.

But back to the present.. my sickness.

The coughing never seemed to stop, which worried me to a certain degree, but wasn't enough to make me tell my brother.

However, I didn't have to, what I didn't know is that he'd soon find out on his own.

And speaking of Ashton, he has just knocked on my door. This should be great. I stayed quiet hoping he'd believe I wasn't in my room, but evidently that plan did not work, as he walked inside anyways.

"Becca, what're you still doing in bed? We need to go," he spoke, walking closer towards me. I noticed that he was in his scrubs already, meaning I was probably running late, but at this point I didn't care.

"I think the real question is, why are you in my room? I could've been getting dressed for all you know."

With the look I received from Ashton told me he was not pleased with my answer. "Well you're not getting dressed, and that's something we need to fix. Are you sick or something?"

Oh great. He was realizing my fixate quicker than I thought, but I wasn't going to let him know the truth.

"No I'm fine. You know I'd tell you if I were sick, Ash," I reassured, which was a lie because I would definitely never tell him. My answer seemed to satisfy him as he walked out of my room, leaving me to get ready for school.

After he left, I questioned how he got his medical degree. Clearly, he should've saw my sickly figure, but he didn't or he chose not to say anything.

Whatever, I wasn't bothered by it that much anyways.

School turned out to be absolute hell for me, even more worse than if I wasn't sick. At times I felt I was going to faint from the fever, but I never did, until last period.

Everything became unclear and spinning, my hearing sounded distant or blocked, I got a sudden feeling of hotness before my vision turned dark and I fell. (this is described by experience btw)


Ashton was rounding the corner to check on a patient, when a commotion was heard at the emergency bay. Curiosity got the best of him and he went to go see what it was about; besides he was surgeon after all, so he may just be of assistance.

Yet that was not the case once he realized the patient was his younger sister. Everything seemed to be forgotten for a quick moment before he was in his work mindset again.

He placed two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse, a sigh of relief leaving his lips once he felt one. The nurses began to set up an iv for her, quick to give her fluids.

"Dr Irwin," a nurse frantically spoke. "Her temperature is 103.5°F (39.7°C)." Ashton shook his head and commanded the nurse to start fever reducers. It was then that he noticed her oxygen levels were lower than normal.

"Hey Ash," Luke, a fellow doctor and friend of the surgeon's, asked from where he was listening to Becca's heart and lungs. "I think she might have pneumonia."

Ashton sighed again, "Alright.. Let's get a chest X-ray and go from there."

They wheeled the bed down to radiology, a nurse previously alerting the ward that they were coming. Once the pictures were taken, they eventually set Becca up in a room, hooking her up to a few machines and monitors.

A little over an hour or so, Ashton had left to scrub in for a surgery, and in that time Becca had awoke in a confused state, but quickly realized her surroundings.

And it was definitely one she didn't want to be in, but felt too weak to leave.

Soon a nurse came into the room, quite shocked to see Becca awake, but was quick to take her vitals and leave.

Possibly half an hour later Ashton had returned, stunned yet thankful to see Becca awake.

"I thought you'd tell me if you were sick," Ashton laughed, reaching forward and brushing some of Becca's hair away from her face.

Becca relayed the laugh, "You know me and my distaste for anything medical. Why am I here anyways?"

"You've got pneumonia, love. But don't fear, we've got you on some antibiotics. Damn, I'm so glad you're alright."

Becca smiled in return, "Trust me, Ash. You can't get rid of me that easy, someone had to be around to annoy ya!"


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