Imagine for Hallohellohola (1D)

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Hope you enjoy! ❤️

This imagine was vaguely proof read, I do apologize for any mistakes.

Sophie's Pov

"We're going to visit daddy at work, okay?" I said to my kids, as I pulled into the parking lot of my husbands work.

I felt bad for telling them they were just going to visit their dad, when really they were getting a dental checkup from the both of us. Hopefully everything would go well, considering they're only three year olds.

We walked directly to the back to Harry's exam room, since he already knew we were coming. There my husband sat in his dark gray scrubs, looking at two open files.

"Daddy!" Vicky screamed when she saw Harry. She let go of my hand and went to Harry, wrapping tiny arms around his legs.

Harry chuckled, "Hi baby girl. Ready to get your teeth cleaned by mommy?"


He put her down on the dental chair and had Matt, our son, sit down on the chair in the corner of the room. I pulled on a pair of gloves and a mask, turning the dental light on as well.

"Your teeth look very good sweetie, mommy's just going to clean them and then daddy will look as well." I told her, making sure she didn't have any cavities or chipped teeth.

I scraped, polished, flossed and put fluoride on her teeth, before letting Harry double check them. He pulled on a pair of gloves, face mask, and got out a new mirror and explorer.

"They look very good baby girl, no sugar bugs." Harry said, giving her a high-five.

After we cleaned up, got new tools out for Matt and him and Vicky swapped places. We were ready to begin. I begin checking his teeth and saw one of his teeth was broken, this wasn't good.

"Harry?" I called, taking my gloves and mask off.

"Yeah babe?"

"I need you to look at this tooth please." I told him, grabbing new tools for him.

He got up from where he was sat looking filed, and put on a fresh pair of gloves and face mask, then he picked up the tools he would need.

"Open up nice and big for me, buddy." Harry asked, putting the tools closer to Matt's mouth. "Thank you bud."

I watched concerned as Harry spent two minutes just looking at the broken tooth, he took the tools out of Matt's mouth and turned towards me, a sad expression on his face.

"Daddy has to talk to mommy, in the hall for a minute. Stay here and don't touch anything."

Harry led me out of the room and to the hall, he immediately put his hands over his face once we were out of view of the kids. Something must of definitely been wrong.

I gulped, "Harry, babe, what's wrong?"

"He needs an extraction on that broken tooth, it's starting to get infected as well."

"Oh... Wow." I mumbled, thinking how we didn't notice this before.

"Do you want to do it or do you want me to?"

"Can you please do it Harry? I don't think I'd be able to put him through that, not that you'd like doing it to your son either." I told him, tears pricking my eyes as I was scared for my baby boy.

"Of course I can babe."

We walked back into the room together, trying to hide our sadness. Harry picked Vicky up and took her to the front, where his mate Niall was, so Vicky didn't have to see her brother in that way.

I picked Matt up and brought him to the room Harry uses for dental procedures. I then began to get the required tools Harry would need to extract Matt's tooth, which included: a pair of dental pliers, several gauzes, suction, suture kit, topical gel, and finally a syringe filled with novocaine.

Harry walked in just as I sat down. "Thank you for getting everything ready, Soph." I just gave him a simple nod.

He pulled on a pair of gloves and a mask, he then took the cotton swab (that had topical gel on it) out of his mouth. He picked up the syringe, gently bringing it to Matt's opened mouth. I heard Matt begin to cry as the needle pierced his gum, Harry trying his best to comfort him and focus on injecting the novocaine at the same time, but it wasn't working.

I could tell that Harry was most likely frustrated because he is a general dentist, as I am a pediatric dentist. He didn't have children, he only took teenagers and adults.

"It's okay honey, daddy's almost done." I comforted him, wiping the tears off his chubby cheeks.

Harry took the needle out of his mouth and disposed of it properly, he then began writing in Matt's file while waiting for the medicine to work.

Third Person Pov

Harry extracted the broken tooth and stitched the hole closed, he pulled his face mask and gloves off, sitting the dental chair up.

"Okay bud, you're all done. Daddy or mommy will tell you when it's okay to eat again." Harry said, picking up his son.

They went out to the front desk, where they saw Vicky asleep on top of Niall. They were grateful that he was able to watch Vicky.

"Thanks mate." Harry said, as Sophie picked up Vicky.

Once the family of four got home, they went into the master bedroom and cuddled, tired after the stressful day.

This is a really long imagine, oh well!!

A. ❤️

1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now