Imagine for 1dlovesimagine5sos (1D)

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I wrote this very late at night, so I apologize if it's not good enough. Just let me know and I'll change anything.

Not proof read, sorry for any mistakes.

Vanessa's Pov

I bite into an apple only to spit it right back out. You see, my tooth has been hurting for a while but due to my extreme fear of my dentists, I have been hesitant to go see one. There is no reason as to why I am so afraid of dentists, I just was. Maybe it's because of all the torturous tools they used, or when they say it won't hurt but on reality it really does hurt.

"Vanessa, are you okay?" My older brother, Josh asked, interrupting my thoughts about dentists- which I was glad he did.

"Yes Josh, I am fine. Why do you ask?"

"Oh. Well, it's just that I saw you holding your mouth after you spit out that apple." He explained, and I knew he'll probably say something about going to a dentist. "Do you maybe want to see someone, preferably a dentist."

See I told ya he would say something about seeing a dentist, and that is not happening.

"No josh. I am perfectly fine and you know I'd tell you if I wasn't."

"Okay. I'll leave you alone now but if you turn out to not be fine, I will be in the lounge." He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead and exiting the tiny kitchen/dining area.


It was 6 in the morning and I couldn't sleep, obviously because of my mouth pain. I carefully got out of bunk, walking into the small kitchen and grabbing an ice pack from the freezer. I placed the ice pack on my face and sat down on the mini counter.

"What're you doing awake Vanessa?" A deep voice asked, who I then recognized as Harry. He stood at the entryway of the bus with a few things in his hands. "Well, uh, I've been having this pain on one of my teeth and it hurts a lot." I admitted to him. He was such a close friend to me and I definitely couldn't lie to him.

"That's actually why I'm here. Your brother told me that he thinks you were having some problems with your teeth and asked if I would come look at it, you know since I'm a dentist and everything." He said, stepping closer towards me. The dim kitchen light hit the shiny, metal objects in his hands, they were dental tools.

"Okay. You can look at my teeth, but only because I want the pain to stop." He smiled and sat down next to me on the couch. "Can you put your head in my lap? It's easier for me to look that way." He asked, getting his for out for the flashlight.

I positioned myself and opened my mouth, Harry put a pair of gloves on and put his tools in my mouth. He began tapping each tooth with his explorer but when he got to my back right molar, it got stuck. He tapped it again a couple more times and took his tools out of my mouth.

"Unfortunately you have a cavity Vanessa, thankfully it's only a small one but you'll need to have it filled. Niall and I can do it later on today if you like." He said, taking his gloves off and typing something on his phone.

"That's fine Harry. Could you please tell Josh for me?"

"Sure sweetheart."


I sat in the waiting room of the medical bus, bouncing my knee up and down. It was time for the dreaded filling and my nerves where definitely not helping my situation.

"Rose? You can come back now." I heard Nialls' voice call from the back of the bus. Himself and Harry already had their gloves and face mask on, and were most likely just waiting on me.

"If you can just sit in this chair, that'll be great." Harry said, gesturing towards the dentist chair. As soon as I sat in the chair- it began to recline back, I opened my mouth and shut my eyes, just wanting to leave already.

Third person Pov

Harry and Niall took care off Vanessa's cavity, gave her a proper dental examination, and a cleaning, before sending her back to her brother. They managed to keep her calm throughout the appointment, plus Vanessa even got a date with Niall next weekend.


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