Imagine for Areesha111 (5sos)

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Please excuse my language; but this the way I've written this chapter is pretty shit - if I'm being honest.

Disclaimer: Before you read this imagine.. I'd just like to add that I know nothing about anemia or people who are anemic, so I apologize for any inaccurate information as I'll be going off research from the internet.

Thank you x


For the past couple weeks I've felt fatigued and have been experiencing dizziness. My boyfriend Calum was quite worried about me - with him being a doctor and all. He kept saying that I should get looked at before something happens, but I assured him that I was fine, and would most likely feel better soon.

Although I was wrong;

Because now I felt worse, much more worse than I did. The fatigue feeling was still there, stronger if possible. A couple times I felt as if I was going to faint - luckily I didn't, or at least not yet.

I was currently gripping onto the counter at my work due to the dizziness. A few more minutes passed and it hasn't subsided, but increased instead. I debated on calling Calum and telling him about what was going on, yet I did not because I didn't want to worry him.

"Miss, are you alright?" A stranger asked.

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied. But as soon as I said that my vision went black and I collapsed onto the ground.


My eyes fluttered opened as the sound of an annoying beeping could be heard, along with whispers. There was only one explanation for this - I was in the the hospital.

And I could only bet that my boyfriend Calum would be one of the voices, or at least would be in this hospital.

Then I remembered that I had fainted, and that must be the reason why I'm in here.

I lifted my hand to my face to push the hair out of my face, and that's when I noticed that intravenous line in my hand, attached to two different bags. There was also a blood pressure cuff on my upper left arm, and a pulse oximeter on one of my fingers.

A nurse in the room pressed a button on her pager, and in seconds Calum was walking through the door, a file in his arms. He motioned for the various people to leave the room so he could talk to me privately.

"How you feeling baby?" He asked, stroking his hand across my face.

"I'm okay, just tired," I replied. He nodded and opened up the file, briefly skimming through it.

"I have an explanation for your fatigue and dizziness, it appears you have anemia." He spoke - the concern showing in his voice.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, "Anemia? What's that?"

Calum cleared his throat, "It's a condition in which the blood doesn't have enough healthy blood cells, but with the correct medication it is manageable." I nodded my head, taking in the information.

Anemia. It did sound quite scary at first; but I was thankful that it was manageable.

"So what happens now, I can go home right?" I questioned.

"Not quite yet. We've decided to keep you for observation for a few days, and I've talked with Luke because you're underweight, and he wants to help get your weight up."

After that we talked a bit more before he got an emergency call. Luke came by with my dinner and talked about meals that I could eat with the anemia, and still get my weight up to a healthy number.

Calum came in two hours later to check my vitals and kiss me goodnight.

"Get some rest baby, you'll have a long day tomorrow."


The next morning I awoke to a nurse taking some of blood whilst Calum checked my vitals. He noticed I was awake and smiled.

"Morning baby," he greeted. "We're taking some blood for further testing, and Luke will be by soon with your breakfast." He placed his stethoscope on my chest and began to listen.

While he did that, I watched the nurse as she filled a vial with my blood and placed a band-aid over the puncture hole.

And than Luke walked in with my breakfast; if you could even call it that - it was a ham and spinach omelette. Quite surprisingly it tasted delicious, considering it was hospital food.

Throughout the rest of my stay here in the hospital my blood was taken two more times before I was officially discharged. Luke had given me a list of foods that'll increase my iron levels. And Calum made sure I didn't still feel faint before he gave me the 'ok' to go home.

Although now having anemia did slow me down on some days, I never let it completely stop me.

I'm cringing so hard at this, like I don't even know what that was guys.

Does anyone else like the 1975?


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