Imagine for Demi275 (DRS)

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This imagine is a special request for @Demi275 featuring... Drew Ryan Scott!!

Now I know absolutely nothing about him or the band he is in, so please bare with my as I try and wing this.

*Danielle's Pov*

I knew that today would not be a good day. Unfortunately I had to get the flu shot, and due to my extreme dislike of needles I knew it wouldn't be easy.

A blond male doctor grabbed a file and walked out into the waiting room. "Danielle?" He called, glancing at the file for confirmation. This is where my doom begins.

"It's your turn Dani, go ahead." My mom coaxed me, but I was staying right here. Yes, I know it may seem 'childish' considering I am 16, but it was just something I've been afraid of ever since I was young.

The doctor began walking towards me, clutching the file in his left hand. I began to shake as his steps got closer to me, they stopped and when I looked up he was in front of me.

I gulped. "H-hi. I'm Danielle." My voice was shaky as well as my body.

"Hi Danielle, I'm Dr. Scott but you can just call me Drew," He said holding out his hand for me to shake, which I did. I zoned out as he began talking to my mother about things, probably about me.

"Are you ready Danielle?" He asked, motioning towards the back where the exam rooms where, along with the dreaded needle.

"Yea, I guess. Can my mom come?"

"Unfortunately no, it's a rule that if the patient is thirteen or older parents aren't allowed back with them." He said, as gently as possible - which I was thankful for.

I followed him to an exam room where a hypodermic, gauze, an alcohol swab, a band-aid, and a pair of gloves were on a tray on the counter. There was a desk and a bed in the room as well, along with some spare chairs.

"If you could please just have a seat on the bed, I just need to look over your file and then we'll get this over with." He instructed me, surprisingly I actually listened to him; unlike the doctor I had last time.

Five minutes later he closed the file and walked over to the sink, once he finished washing he hands, he grabbed something from the pocket of his coat and turned towards me. "I'd like to do a quick check up before giving you the shot."

"Okay." I whispered, so quiet that I barely heard myself.

Drew began to start the exam, he checked my ears, nose and throat, listened to my heart, and checked my stomach.

"Okay, everything has looks great! Let's get this shot over with so you can enjoy the rest of your day," he said, pulling on the pair of gloves.

I began shaking again as the coldness of the alcohol swab hit my skin, followed by a gauze pad. There was a slight pause as Drew was getting the shot ready and that's when I knew that I needed to hide, no matter how old I was.

"Okay, ready to get- Danielle?" I heard Drew call out to me. His footsteps got louder as he stepped closer to the chair I was hiding under. Yes, it was silly, but it was the quickest place I could find.

Drew sighed and crouched down in front of me. "Hey Danielle, it's okay, there is nothing to be afraid of. It must be super uncomfortable under there, so why don't you come out and we can talk about if you want." I nodded my head and crawled out from under the chair.

*Third person Pov*

Danielle and Drew had a small chat; which calmed Danielle down a lot. Drew was able to give her the shot while they were talking. Their numbers were exchanged between the both of them and they had their first date next Wednesday.


So sorry for the long wait!! But I do hope you enjoyed it.

I finally updated my iPhone to iOS 10, just felt like sharing that with you guys...

Love you,

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