Imagine for Hallohellohola (1D)

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Sofia's Pov:

"Jules, sweetie, I just want to clean you're teeth. It won't hurt." I said to the young girl sitting in the dentist chair, she was absolutely terrified of the dentist and I couldn't calm her down. "Okay Jules, just stay here and I'll be right back, I promise."

I left the room and began searching for someone to help me. While I was walking down the hall, a figure in another dental examination room caught my attention, he was in the middle of scrapping a young boys teeth and managing to make him laugh at the same time. I knocked on the door and a deep voice allowed me to come in.

"Hi, my name is Sofia, I'm actually a volunteer pediatric dentist here. I was actually wondering if you could help me with a patient."

"Of course, just let me finish up with this patient here. I'm Harry by the way, also a volunteer dentist."

Once Harry finished with his last patient, I lead him back to the room where Jules was still sat in the dental chair, scared out of her little mind. "Jules, sweetie. This is my friend Harry and he's going to make sure you stay happy, while I check your teeth."

Harry sat down next to her and I knew that was my cue to begin.

After the cleaning

I flopped down on the dental chair and let out a huge sigh, it was a stressful day but I somehow managed to get through it. Harry was still here with me, as he told me that we should get to know each other, considering we're now partners.

"Are you from England?" I asked him, as his accent was very unique and he said completely different words.

"Yes, I'm from Cheshire actually."

We talked a bit more before Harry decided he wanted to check my teeth, and like the good friend I am I allowed him to.

"Oh no.." I heard Harry mutter to himself, which sent me into a panic. "What's wrong, Harry?"

"Unfortunately Sofia, it seems you still have two wisdom teeth that are impacted. I'd like to remove them as soon as possible."

Third person Pov

After Sofia was given the general anesthesia and fell unconscious, Harry made an incision where the first impacted tooth was and began to chisel it out, once the tooth was out, Harry stitched the hole close and put a gauze pad in her mouth.

The same process was repeated and although, Sofia would be in a lot of pain little, Harry will always be there to take care of her.


Okay, I kind of rushed with writing this one, and there is most likely mistakes, so I apologize for any.

Merry Christmas (to those that celebrate) and a Happy New Year!! I hope you all have a happy, healthy, and safe 2017!!

Next update on this book will most likely be in 2017. (January)

I love you all,
Ali. ❤️😘

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