Imagine for Hallohellohola (1D)

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I just want to give the Tomlinson-Deakin family a huge hug right now, can't even imagine what any of them are going through.

Not proof read, so sorry for any mistakes.

It was six pm when Sofia had just finished her shift at the dentistry she owned, as Sofia was walking to her car she heard crying. But not just any type of crying, it sounded like a young child. Sofia looked around and spotted man that looked about her age trying to comfort a young boy, the little boy had blood coming out of his mouth and was in hysterics.

"Excuse me Miss, are you a dentist?" Sofia heard a deep voice call. She looked and saw that it was the young man, he had the still crying little boy on his hip, holding a few tissues to his mouth.

"Yes I am. Can I help you with something." Sofia asked as she stared at the young man, who was incredibly handsome by the way.

"I was actually wondering if you could help me. You see, this my son Matt, and when we were working back from my workplace, he tripped and fell," He paused to take a breath. "I'm actually a doctor myself but since you specialize in teeth, I was hoping you would be able to help us."

"Yea, sure I can help. Just follow me." Sofia said.

Sofia lead them into the office and to the first dental exam room she saw. Harry sat down in the dental chair with Matt on his lap, who wasn't crying as much. Sofia pulled on a pair of gloves, a face mask, and grabbed some new, sterile tools.

"Can you open nice and wide for me buddy?" Sofia asked, grabbing the bloody tissues from his mouth and throwing them away. Matt opened his tiny mouth as much as he could, Sofia looked at his two bottom front teeth - which seemed to be the main problem.

Sofia grabbed the suction and began to clean around the area, thankfully it wasn't bleeding as bad as it was earlier. She took X-rays, checked his teeth, and came to the conclusion that the two teeth were broken and would have to be removed immediately.

"Sir, could I speak to you out in the hall for a moment?" Sofia asked Harry. "Your son, Matt, has broken his two front teeth on the bottom. I'd like to remove them as soon as possible - if that's alright with you."

"Yea, that's fine. I mean, you know best after all. Could you do it now? I wouldn't want him to be in pain anymore."

"I can do it now - you'll just have to comfort him through the extraction process," Sophie smiled sadly. The two walked back into the exam room, where little Matt was sat asleep in the dentist chair.

"I'm so sorry about him, Sofia, he must've got really tired from all that crying." Harry apologized for Matt falling asleep, although to Sofia, it was no problem at all.

"Please don't apologize, I understand he's little. I'll just do the extraction while he's asleep."

Sofia placed a mouth prop in Matts' mouth and put a q-tip with topical gel on his gums, she then took the hypodermic filled with novocaine and begin to inject it into his gums.
After five minutes Sofia grabbed the pair of dental pliers and gently began wiggling one of the teeth until it popped out, she then put a rolled up gauze pad over the hole, the same process was repeated for the other tooth.

"He's all set, Harry. Just be sure to change the gauze every half hour until the bleeding stops and if it does not stop, take him to the emergency dental clinic on 3rd." Sofia said, taking of her gloves and mask.

"Thank you so much Sofia! Do you want to have dinner sometime?"

"I'd love to."


1D/5SOS Doctor and Dentist ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now