My apologies for this note

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Hi guys,

I'm guessing you were probably hoping this was an update by now, as it has been sixteen days since I posted the last imagine. And that is exactly why I'm writing this note; for an explanation.

My reason I have not posted an imagine in two weeks is because that I have been quite busy lately, and with the end of the school year coming up soon I may just be even more busy. Also a lot of stressful things in my family have been going on lately and I've been mainly focused on that. 

There is five more requests for me to write, with one of them being halfway finished. However, there is not a set date as to when it'll be posted, it could be tomorrow, or it could be weeks from now. 

You guys have no idea how awful I feel about having you wait so long, it is definitely not fair to any of you. And I feel I have let you all down. 

Again my apologies for this,


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