Imagine for Nikawillavegail (5sos)

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This is probably not what you wanted, my apologies.

Happy birthday Harry!

Willow's Pov:

"I don't think you should go to gymnastics today, Willow. You're not looking well" Ashton, my older brother, told me. He was a doctor along with his three best friends, so that meant they thought they knew everything when it comes to health and medical issues.

"Ash, I am fine. I'll see ya later." I argued back. He mumbled something under his breath in response, as I walked out the door.

But I wasn't fine; I was obviously ill. My body ached, my throat hurt to sallow, I've already thrown up twice, and I'm most likely sure I have a fever.

Ashton could never find out, or he would be pretty upset with me lying to him; especially when it came to my health.


Halfway through gymnastic practice I began to feel lightheaded. The entire room was spinning around.

"Willow are you okay?" My friend, Jenna, asked? She handed me a water bottle but I refused it, my stomach not agreeing with me.

"Yea I'm fine."

As soon as I said that I felt my hearing get softer, my stomach felt sicker, and soon everything went dark as I collapsed on the floor.

"Willow? Wake up darling," a voice said, shaking my body.

I fluttered my eyes open and saw my brother and Luke hovering over me. They were talking softly to each other, it was medical terminology that I did not understand; it sounded like another language to me.

Ashton was the first one to notice I was awake. He placed two of his fingers on my neck and took my pulse. Luke placed his stethoscope over my chest, his face in deep focus as he listened.

"Breathe in," Luke instructed as he placed the stethoscope on my back, still in deep focus.

Ashton grabbed a torch and shined it into my eyes, making sure they dilated correctly.

"Hmm. Willow, do you know if you hit your head when you fell?"

I shook my head, not remembering if I did or not; that had sent me into a small panic.

"Shh, it's okay. You have a minor concussion, but it's nothing to worry about," Ash soothed me, giving me a glass of water to drink.

"Willow, you have the flu and you're severely dehydrated, hence the reason why you passed out. I'm going to start you on an iv line," Luke spoke up, readjusting his stethoscope around his neck.

He left the room and returned two minutes later with supplies for an iv. The panic began to set in when I saw the needle, it was quite small but that still didn't mean it wouldn't hurt.

"Ash," I groaned, glaring at Luke, who was still gathering supplies.

Ashton looked up from where he was writing in a file, "You'll be fine Willow, just try not to think about it too much."

Luke came over and felt the back of my hand for a vein, once on was located he wiped my hand, then inserted the needle into the vain, and taped it down

"You did great," Luke stated, attaching the bag of fluids to the iv cannula.

Ashton placed a few electrodes on my chest and hooked me up to a heart monitor. Then pulled the blankets over me and kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Willow,"


I woke up the next morning to Luke with his stethoscope on my chest.

He smiled, "Morning. Ash is getting your discharge papers ready, I'm just here to make sure it's okay for you to go home.."

I nodded and allowed him to do his job, which consisted of: taking my temperature, shining a light in my eyes, looking at my throat, and much more medical stuff that I just didn't really care about.

My brother walked in while Luke was listening to my lungs. He stood up a few seconds later and placed the stethoscope back around his neck.

"Everything looks good, I'll just remove your iv and you're free to go."

He stood up and walked over to one of the cabinets in the room; grabbing a cotton ball and some purple bandage wrap. Carefully he untapped the iv and professionally removed the needle, placing the cotton ball over to the puncture and wrapping it.

Once he was finished my clothes were handed to me, and it was just them when I realized I was in a gown. Too late to worry about it now.

Ashton and Luke lead me out of the room, and to the nurses desk to make sure I could leave. After that we went down to the parking lot, getting in Ashton's car; and beginning out journey home.

"Thank you Ash," I said, side hugging him. He smiled and focused on the road ahead of us.

But little did I know that that was only the beginning of my many stays at the hospital.


I don't know about this one, but I do hope you guys liked it.


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