Imagine for Amcl_5sos (5sos)

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Okay, I hope this is good...

Grace and Ashton have been dating for five months, as crazy as it sounds they actually met in a hospital. Grace had gone to the emergency room for stitches and Ashton was the one to treat her, they went on a few dates and eventually started a relationship.

A week ago, Grace became ill with what her and Ash thought was just a simple cold, but it wasn't. She has been laying in bed whimpering in pain, she was getting worse.

Ashton decided that today he'd bring her into the hospital, as she clearly wasn't getting better. Although Grace would try to protest, claiming that 'she's fine', he was still bringing her in no matter what she says.

"Grace, baby." Ash whispered, as he shook her lightly.

"Mhm..." She groaned, "Leave me alone Ash, I don't feel good."

"I know baby, that's why I'm taking you into the hospital." He replied, picking her up bridal style and carrying her to the car.

The couple pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, Ashton parked the car and got out, going around to the passenger side to get Grace. He picked her up and carried her into the emergency room doors, immediately bringing her to an empty exam room.

"Okay Grace, I'm just going to do a quick check to diagnose what's wrong." Ash said, laying her down on the bed.

After he checked her over it turned out that Grace had the flu, she was also dehydrated. Ashton decided that it was best to keep her overnight, and put an iv line with fluids in her as well.

"You have the flu sweetheart. I'm going to keep you here overnight since, you're dehydrated as well. I'm going to be put an iv line with fluids in you."

"Okay Ash, that's fine." Grace croaked, her eyes still shut since the car ride.

Ashton washed his hands and pulled on a pair of gloves, he wrapped a tourniquet on her and felt for a vain in the crook of her arm, once a good one was found he disinfected the area with an alcohol wipe. Ashton put the needle in and attached the tube taping it down, he cleaned up and pulled of his gloves.

"Sleep tight baby, I'll be back to check on you." Ashton said, giving Grace a kiss on her cheek.


Ashton returned three hours later when he was making his rounds, his shift for the night started an hour ago.

Ashton dropped a bunch of files on the counter and washed his hands, walking to Graces' bedside he put his stethoscope over her heart. "Hi baby, sorry to wake you. How are you feeling?"

Grace yawned."I'm doing a bit better Ash." She said, smiling slightly.

"That's good honey." Ashton replied, grabbing his torch to check her eyes.

Ashton finished checking Grace over, again, checked her iv, wrote his notes down, and made sure she was comfortable. He kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.

"I have to go finish my rounds. Love you baby."

"I love you too Ash."


Okay that is probably not what you wanted, oops... (hi- if you get that ily)


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