Imagine for EmilyTomlinsonxxx (1D)

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This imagine will feature mention of rape, sexual assault, physical and verbal abuse, and swearing. If you are uncomfortable with these kind of topics, please skip this imagine.

Please do not hesitate to talk to someone if you experienced any of the topics above.

This will imagine will have some type of detail.

Emily's Pov:

I was walking outside the stadium my older brother was playing at. Louis had told me to stay in his dressing room as he didn't want me to get lost, but being the curious person I was I decided to explore.

I should have listened to him because now I was running, running from the perverted, forty-five year old man. He wanted me for his own personal needs and I wanted no part of that.

I was trying to run back inside the stadium; but he seemed to be gaining speed. Unfortunately my feet tripped over each other, sending me tumbling to the ground. The man came closer towards me. I backed up in fear, only to hit the back of a brick wall.

I was cornered by him.

"Please don't.." I sobbed, trying my best to get away from this twisted man. But he wasn't going away until he got what he wanted; me.

"Shhh, it's okay princess." He placed his filthy hands over my mouth, keeping my pleads for help inside.

I bit his hand as hard as I could. He hissed in pain. The fury in his eyes sent me into an even more panicked state.

"You little bitch." He slapped me across the face and I groaned in pain, I could only imagine the bruise that would leave. The man continued to hit my body.

Then the worst happened.

He tied my hands together above my head and began to rip my clothes off. I sobbed as I realized what was happening.

"Shut up!" He cut my face with a knife, the blood dripping down.

The last thing I saw was him remove his clothes before I blacked out.


My vision was blurry when I opened my eyes for the first time after I had blacked out. I don't know how long I was out for, but what I did know is that it was very quiet outside.

With all the strength that was left; I managed to sit my upper body up. The events that happened hours before coming back to me, it was like I was in a nightmare and just couldn't wake up.

I groaned as I felt immense pain in lower region. I tried to put my clothes back on and stand up, but the pain was too much to handle.

"Emily?! Emily?!" I heard a voice call. It was Liam.

I tried yelling out to him, wanting to let him know I was out here, but my voice almost seemed like it was too exhausted to function properly. All it did was come out as a very soft yell.

Fortunately for me, Liam must've heard me and walked down the alley. The flashlight from his iPhone shown on me and he gasped, not knowing it was me quite yet.

"Are you okay Miss?" I'm a doctor, my name is Liam."

"Liam," I called out hoarsely.

He came closer and stopped when he saw my shaking, non-clothed figure.

"Emily? What happened honey? Where are you clothes?" He asked, kneeling next to me and placing two fingers on my neck, feeling my pulse.

"I'm so sorry Li.. I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen and kept hitting me. My clothes are over there since he ripped them off of me."

He looked at my clothes and let out a frustrated sigh, "Shhh, no need to be sorry." He told me, untying me hands.

He took off his jacket and button up shirt, and placed them over my trembling body. I was gently laid down in the backseat of a car; where Liam was in the drivers seat.

"Your brother had to start his shift immediately after the concert, I'm going to take you to him now. Don't worry you're safe."

Third person Pov:

"Emily?" Louis asked in shock, upon seeing his sister sobbing, half naked, in his band mates arms.

He ran around from behind the nurses' desk and put his stethoscope on Emily's heart; it was racing - mainly out of fear. Louis motioned for Liam to follow him towards the patient rooms, he placed Emily on the bed and the two doctors began to get to work.

They attached her to a heart monitor, cleaned her cuts, put cream on her bruises, and did a general exam; but then it was time for something Emily would definitely not agree on.

"Em," Louis spoke up. "I know you're not going to like it, but Liam needs to check down there."

Emily repeatedly shook her head, as if to say it was not happening; but she needed it done.

"I promise you I'll be very quick." Liam told her, already snapping on a pair of gloves.

After long while Emily gave up and just allowed him to do it. Of course it definitely was not pleasant for her, having her brothers best friend look at her lady parts.

"Everything looks alright, no tears or anything like that, just some redness. I'm going to take this simple down to lab now." Liam said, as he pulled of the gloves and left the room.

Louis crawled into the hospital bed with his sister; being extra careful of the many tubes and wires.

"I love you." He whispered, as Emily drifted off to sleep.

Unfortunately Emily was never fully emotionally recovered from the traumatic event, but her brother and his friends would always be there for her.

Okay I have never wrote anything like that before, so I was going from what I had read on other imagines and did some research. 😬

Again please don't hesitate to get help if you have been raped, sexual assaulted, or abused in any way.

Stay strong and I love you all very much,

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