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Becky's POV//
Three months later//

I heard a knock on the door. I opened and there was Angie.

"Hey Angie, come in" I said opening the door more. So she can come in.

"Hey" she said and came in.
"Um Nash said he was coming over with his friend" she said.

"Ok that's fine, " I said
"Hey have you been going out with anyone lately" she asked

"I don't know, like jack, he's making everything awkward, he acts like he wants to be with me but honestly he says he's not ready for a relationship" I said kind of bummed out.

"Trust me you'll find some who can treat you better than jack" she said rubbing my shoulder.

She don't like jack for some reason and she won't tell me every time I asks her she just sad he a bad guy that just using me.

"Yea I hope so" I said

"Hey I just noticed you changed your apartment" she said looking around. "It looks nice honestly."

"Thanks I needed a change" I said.

"Hey how long have you and Nash been dating already" I asked curiously

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"Hey how long have you and Nash been dating already" I asked curiously

" seven months" she said happily.

"Oh that's longer than any relationship I've been" I said kind of laughing.

I heard a knock at the door. I got up and opened the door and there was Nash and his friend...... wait I know this dude he's that guy that tryed to hit on me three months ago.

"Are you going to let us in shorty" Nash asked

"Oh yea come in" I said

Oh god this is going to be weird.

"Do you guys want anything to drink" I asked as they sat down on the couch.

"Yea can I have water" Nash asked
"Can I have water to please" the guy said

"Ok, Angie can you come with me to the kitchen please" I asked

"Why" she said acting stupid.
"Just come with me" I said
"Ok I'm coming" she said getting up and coming with me to the kitchen.

"Angie that was the guy from three months ago remember" I said trying to make her remember.

"No don't remember" she said

"Whatever just forget about it" I said. I got the two waters and walked  back to the living room.

I gave the waters to Nash and the boy.
"What are we doing today other just being in my apartment" I asked wondering what we are doing today.

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