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I was about to relax for while but someone knocked on my door.

I wasn't expecting anyone though.

I opened the door to see jack. Ugh what does he want. I don't even want see him right now.

"What do you want" I asked harshly.

"To say sorry you don't have to forgive me I get, I'm sorry for trying to force you to have sex with me I'm really sorry, that's it" he said and then left. I didn't really know what to say so I didn't say anything.

I closed my door and locked and went to finally relax and watch some Netflix.

My phone started to ring and it was my mom.

"Hola ma" I said through the phone. (Hi mom)

"Hola mija" she said, (hi daughter)

"Como estas" I asked her (how are you)

"Bien, que tal tu" she asked (good how about you)

"Bien" I said (good)

"Vas a venir a la fiesta de tu hermana este Domingo" she asked (are you coming to your sisters party this Sunday)

"Si " I said

" ok vamos a estar esperando usted, bye mija" she said (ok we'll be waiting for you bye daughter)

"Ok bye ma" I said then hung up. I forgot it was my sisters birthday this Sunday I've been so busy that forgot I feel bad.

I was looking threw the internet and the I saw something about me, jack , and Cameron.

"First we saw Becky and jack out in a date then Becky and Cameron is this a love triangle."

I laughed at this why would think that. Yes me and jack were out on date but I don't plan on going out In a other sooner or later or I might just not go on a other one with him. Honestly.

And Cameron he's just my friend I don't see myself dating him. Yet.

Now time to relax let's hope no one interrupts me now.


The next chapter is going to be on Cameron's pov I'm so excited anyways next chapter until 200 views ❤️

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