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I woke up to the smell of good food. I got up and I noticed I was on the couch. Why wasn't I on my bed.

I walked to the kitchen to see Cameron cooking breakfast. Shirtless. ;) to be honest if was a good view.

"Good morning sleepy head" he said
"Good morning, what time is it" I asked. Not knowing the time.
"It's 10:29" he said looking at his phone.
"Oh shit I have rehearsal at 11:30, I have to get ready" I said running in to my room and picking out clothes which was black leggings and a black tank top. I took a quick shower after I got out I dried my hair and then did my makeup.

I went to the kitchen forgetting that Cameron was here.

"Oh my god I'm sorry, I just have to get to rehearsal in time today" I said
"It's ok" he said , I feel bad because he cooked breakfast for us.

"You wanna come with me, and then we can go out and eat something after." I asked feeling bad.

"Yea that sounds good" he said and gave me a big smile. He looked excited that he was coming with me.

"Ok, we should get going because it already..... 11:15 and it takes like 10 minutes away from here." I said looking at the time.

I was taking a break I sat on a chair with my chest on the back of the chair and started dancing on it and Cameron decided to record me but I didn't care.

I was looking at the dancers and they were getting better. I think we just need a few more day then we are ready to go and do a concert here in Los angles.

"Ok guys I got to go, you guys were good by the way, group hug" I said in excitement.

We got in group hug." Hey we are almost ready for our first concert of the year" I said getting out the hug. "Now I really have to go, bye" I said leaving.

"You love them like a family don't you" Cameron asked

"Yea I do love them a lot, they have been threw a lot with me" I said "we should hurry my manager just texted me that I have to finish a video about why I vote and I'm almost done with it" I said looking at my phone and then at Cameron.

"Ok then where do you wanna go eat" he said

"Um in n out, I haven't ate there in forever" I said kind of getting excited.



"Ok I'll see you around," I said getting out of cams car.

"Yea, do you need me to pick you up after" he said

"No I'll take a uber something, bye Cameron" I said walking away.

"Bye beautiful" he said.

Did he just call me beautiful, oh god he just gave butterflies.


I was in the middle of recording the video and I just started getting emotional.

We were almost done we needed to edit the video. This video actually means a lot because people get to know a little more about me and my family.


I called a uber after this long ass day and went home.


Boring chapter I know sorry but you should see the video up In the media.

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