
1.6K 26 1

"Cameron, can you get me a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream while you're at" I yelled at Cameron as he was getting snacks from the kitchen.

We were just binge watching teen wolf for the day because we really can't go out this week because I'm having the baby soon.

"Whatever you want" he yelled.

I wrapped a blanket around me. I rubbed my belly. "I can't wait to meet you baby" I said talking to myself.

That's all I can think about my baby, and food because I've been having a lot of cravings the past 9 months.

Cameron entered the room with a bunch of snacks and my ice cream. He placed the snacks on top of his lap. He pasted me the ice cream.

"I wish everyday could be a lazy day" I said the took a bite of the ice cream.

"Same" cam said eating a chip but still looking at the tv. " sometimes I think you only like this show because the guys are attractive to you" he said once Derek took his shirt off.

"Maybe" I joked just to see his reaction.

"Oh really you don't think I'm attractive" he said.

"You're attractive" I said. "Just not as attractive as them"

"Ok I see how it is" he said.

"I'm just kidding," I said as I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Cameron, wake up" I patted his chest.

I checked the time and it was 2 in the morning.

"Why" he said as rubbed his eyes.

"It's time" I said as I sat up and put my hands on my back so it can give me support to sit up.

"Wait what" he said, as he got up fast.

"Cameron get the bag from the baby room" I said as I stood up and got changed quickly so that we could get going.

There's was that sting on my stomach again. I took deep breath before I exited the room. I started walking down the stairs but had to stop after every two steps. I felt as if my back just cracked and broke.

"Here, I'll help you" he said as he put his arm around my back to stomach to give me support.

Cameron opened the door to the passenger side. I got in gently. I put my head back. Cameron went around the car and got in, after he got in he put the bags in the backseat.

Soon after we got to the hospital. As soon as we got there they put me in the hospital room where I would be delivering my little angel.

"Cameron, hold my hand" I said he nodded and grabbed my hand.

The doctors and nurses were getting things ready so that I could give birth.


"Just one more push" doctor said.

"I can't" I said as I cried. I was tired. I felt as if could not do this anymore.

"Cmon baby, you can do this, just one more push and we'll have our baby" Cameron said, he tried to calm me down a little.

I nodded.

I pushed as hard as I can.

I heard the cries of the baby. I felt relief once I heard the baby cry. I saw joyfulness in Cameron's eyes once he saw the baby.

"It's boy" the doctor said.

"I want to see him" I said with a sense of tiredness in my voice.

Cameron grabbed him and then handing me him.

"What are we naming him" Cameron asked.

"Levi" I suggested.

"I love that name" he smiled at me then at the baby.

After the doctor left and the nurses, my mom and dad decided to come and see us.

My mom practically fell in love with Levi once she saw him. After she met him and my dad they left.

"Our little family" Cameron said. I can see the happiness in him. I was also really happy.

Who think, that after all the ups and downs I would have a baby so fast. Time flys so fast, that you don't even see it coming.


Well guys this was the last chapter, thank you for everyone who's been here sense the being, I would never think that this story would, go past 100k. And yes this was the end

I love you guys so freaking much......

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