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Third person pov//

"Cmon Rebecca, you don't always have to stay in bed" Cameron said annoyed.

"I really don't want to do anything, ok" Rebecca said as she put a pillow over head and snuggled more into the blanket.

Cameron groaned in frustration, he wanted to spend time with Rebecca but she's been heartbroken for current events that have happened to her, she feels the need to just stay home and not talk to anyone but Cameron.

"Cmon Rebecca, I'll make today the happiest day you have ever had, I promise." he promised and he was going to keep that promise because all he wants to do is make her happy.

"I'm going to get up and if this day starts bad Im going to come back to this bed." She said.

"Ok I'll make sure, that this day isn't bad" Cameron said excitedly, he excited because he wanted this day to special for the both of them.

Rebecca laughed a little at his excitement.

"So what exactly are we doing, is it a high heel or flats occasion?" She asked as she looked through her closet looking for clothes.

"Well there's going to be grass, so..." he said.

"So flat occasion" she said finishing Cameron's sentence.

"Yup" he said, "I'm going to wait for you downstairs, while you get ready"

Cameron went downstairs, and called Becky's mom.

"Get the stuff ready, we'll be there in a hour and a half" he said then hung up.


Rebecca came down the stairs she looked so beautiful to Cameron, well she's always beautiful to Cameron no matter what.


"You look amazing" Cameron said

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"You look amazing" Cameron said. Once she was done going down the stairs.

"You look amazing to" she smiled at him.

"But why do you need the jacket" Cameron asked her because it was about 90 degrees outside.

"Because I get easily cold" she informed Cameron with a little sass.

"Ok then, and um you need to put this blindfold on" he said as he handed it Becky.

"If my makeup smears just little I'll kill you, this make cost a lot of money" she joked around as she put on the blindfold.

Cameron helped Becky to the car and then he got in after. They made small talk while Cameron drived even though Rebecca couldn't see anything.

"Cameron, why do we have a big house" she asked.

"Because we always have Friends over and they sometimes stay over and before we got this house and lived in a apartment they couldn't fit" he said.

"That's true, but there's so many rooms and bathrooms we didn't really need a big house. It isn't like they stay over every night" she said.

"That's true but you never know, we probably might need it" he said.

"Anyways how much longer until we get to wherever we are going" she asked.

"Not much longer, like three more minutes" he said.

Few minutes after Cameron announced that they were there. Cameron showed Becky into the place.

"You can take the blindfold off now"

Beckys pov//

I took of the blind fold and we were in a backyard. My parents backyard. There was path of candles on the floor.

"Cameron what is this" I asked him.

"Keep walking" he said, I walked to where the path lead me to.

There In front of me were balloons that spelled "marry me"

I looked back at Cameron there he was on his knee with the ring on his hand.

"Rebecca Marie Gomez, will you marry me"

I was crying from joy this boy gave me.

"Yes Cameron, yes" I said bent down and grabbed his face and kissed him. I felt him smiling as gave him that kiss.

We pulled away and he put the ring on my finger.

Out of nowhere my whole family and friends, came out of the clapping.

Best day I've ever had...


The fact that I wrote this In two in the morning is not a good idea....

Damn guys two more chapters yup two more

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