Ch.8 pt 1

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"Ok so what do I wear" I asked Angie who was looking threw my closet trying to find out what to wear for my sisters 15th birthday for me.

"Hmm how about this" she said pulling out a short red dress.

"It's a birthday party not a club" I said sarcastically,

"Ok how about this" she pulling out a sparkly dress

"Ehh to much" I said

"You know what you pick, your so picky" she said giving up,

"Ok I'll look for my own clothes" I said looking threw my closet,

"Huh, this actually looks nice" I said to my self. I grabbed a long white dress. I didn't even know I had this.

"Hey Angie how about this" I asked showing her the dress.

"Oh my god beck that looks pretty" she said in awe.

"Should I wear it" I asked.

"Hell yea" she said.

"Ok then I will I only have three hours to get ready and I need to take shower dry my hair, do my hair then makeup and then put the on dress, damn I have a lot to do," I said feeling a little rushed because my mom and dad live 40 minutes away and I want to be there in time.


"Do I look good" I asked Angie coming out the bathroom after I finished getting ready.

"Girl you look fine as fuck" she said

"Thanks you look nice to" I said looking at her up and down.

(This is what Angie looks like and what she's wearing)

I heard someone knock on the door but before I could go and answer it Angie went and opened it

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I heard someone knock on the door but before I could go and answer it Angie went and opened it.

"It's Nash" she said opening the door but it wasn't nash it was Cameron. He looked nice.

He was wearing black skinny jeans a white button up shirt and a jacket and some black vans.

"You look nice" I said to him but he didn't answer. "Cameron?!" I said.

But he seemed to be enjoy looking at me.

"Cameron?!" I said. Once more that made him finally answer.

"Um you look amazing too" he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Guess who's here" Nash said sticking his head out from the door.

"Babe!" Angie said running up to him and hugging him.

"Hey" he said then kissed her.

"Ok lovebirds we gotta go" I said grabbing my bag and checking the time.

"Ok we really gotta go" I said pulling them away from each other.

"I'll drive" Nash said. He already knows where my mom lives so.

"Ok," I said.

We got out of my apartment and I locked my door.

Angie sat upfront with Nash and Cameron and I sat in the back.

"Cameron, if my parents or anyone from my family start questioning you if your my boyfriend just say no, ok, they might start questioning you in Spanish too but just ignore those ones, ok" I said. warning him because I already know how my family is.

"Ok" he said.


I'll work on pt2 tomorrow it's 10:54 right now and I'm tired love you guys oh and vote please💘

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