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"So, how was dolce Gabbana" I asked Cameron as we faced time.

"It was pretty good" he said "and how have your shows been going"

"They've been good, at first I was kinda nervous, but then I got used it" I said.

"How many shows do you have left" he asked.

"Cameron you asked the same question for the past week that I've been in tour" I said laughing him. "10 more shows Cameron, I'm almost done and I get to see you, Angie, and Nash" i said excitedly.

"So how many weeks is that" he asked.

"Two and half, now stop asking me questions?!"

"Who you talking to Cameron" a female voice said in the background.

"My girlfriend" Cameron said proudly, which made my heart flutter.

A blonde girl popped up behind Cameron, she was very pretty, I feel like I've seen her before just don't remember where or wit who.

"Sofia this is Rebecca, but people call her Becky or beck" Cameron said introducing me to her.

I remember who she is, she used to date Justin.

"Hey, I know you, your a Latino Mexican singer" she said.

"Yup that's me" I said raising my hand little.

"Hey beck, we have to start rehearsing" my back up dancer Daniel said.

"Ok" I said looking at Daniel then looking back at Cameron. "Well I gotta go, talk to you later Cameron, bye"

"Bye" he said before I ended the FaceTime and went to rehearsals.

I walked out of the dressing room and walked with daniel to the stage. There was the dancing instructor and the dancers already dancing.

I don't dance during the whole concert just certain parts.

"Ok Daniel, you grab beckys hips.... when she sola in the second line" he instructed.

He instructed us in all the dances until we got them right.

Now we only have two hours until they start letting people in. And we have to get ready.

Cameron's pov//
Two days after::

I got back to Los angles today. I felt a little jet lagged from the airplane ride.

There was a crying baby and then a couple arguing about some stupid stuff then people snoring. I don't even know how they slept the whole way without getting awakened with baby crying and people arguing.

Well at least I'm home already.

I really miss beck's company. I just want to be cuddling her right now.

But I also hope She safe and Austin isn't around. I would feel bad if he did anything to her.

I decided to text to see how she was doing.


To Becky💞:: hey babe

From Becky💞:: hey, I'll talk to you later, bout to do a show.

To Becky💞:: ok

She didn't text back. She must be really busy.

But I got a text from someone else. I checked and it was from Sofia.

From Sofia:: hey baby

To Sofia: it was just one time thing Sofia

From Sofia:: I don't care, cmon let's do it one more time.

To Sofia:: no, I have a girlfriend if you didn't remember. Now stop texting me "baby", I ain't your baby

After I texted her that, I blocked her number, I don't want Becky seeing this.

I'm such a mess up.

When I went to dolce Gabbana and after the show i went to a after party where everyone that was on show were there including, Sofia.

Let's just say I was drunk and the next morning I was laying naked next to her.

I regret even going to the after party but I was the lead of the show, I couldn't just not go, it's not appropriate.

I don't know what I'm going to do now, I don't want to hurt Becky.



I updated, this a really bad chapter I'm so sorry, I didn't know what to write for this chapter and this just popped up so here it is

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