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This picture low key looks like Becky and Cameron 😂😍
Im very bad at smut so don't judge me, ok, bye. -1/7/2017
Warning ⚠️ sexual

Cameron and I's lips were swollen, we haven't stoped making out for like 10 minutes. I got to admit he was a good kisser.

He grabbed me by my thighs. I put my legs around his torso, without breaking the make out section.

"Becky will you be mine" Cameron said between kisses.

"Yes Cameron" I said smiling but still kissing him between kisses. So much for trying to be 'hard to get'.

We continued making out. He walked to my room, me still on him.

He dropped me on my bed and he got on top of me continuing the make out section.

He started pulling on hem of my pants soon after I was in my underwear. Then I started pulling on the hem of his pants.

Soon we were only on our undergarments.

We switched places now I was on top of Cameron. Cameron unclipped my bra and threw across my room. He looked at me for a little and then said "your so beautiful" I smiled at those words.

Then we switched places again. He kissed my neck all the way down to my stomach. He than pulled my underwear off. (sorry I don't like the word "panties")

"Are you sure you wanna do this" he asked "I don't want you to feel rushed"

I nodded my head in response. It's not like it's my first time. My first time was with Matthew.

Warning ⚠️ sexual::

He put a condom around his member. He than look at me with lust in his eyes. He put his member in my entrance. I made a noise. I have to get used to this I haven't done this in a long time.

"Are you ok I can stop" he asked.

"No cam keep on going" I said.

He thrusted in deeper making me moan a little more. This felt so good. I grabbed Cameron's neck so I can kiss him.

He thrusted in and out very fast. By now I probably left a few scratches on his back.

Every time he thrusted it felt even better. He than my g spot. "Cameron I'm-" I was about to say the rest of my sentence but he erupted me.
"Me to" he said.

We reached our climaxes. He threw the condom out. I was breathless and sweating.

Cameron came back to bed and laid next to me he pulled me up to his chest and kissed my forehead. I could hear his heart beating.
You guys didn't see this coming huh.😂

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