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She's so pretty like can I be you😍

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"Angie hurry up or I'm not going with you" I yelled waiting for her to get ready.

"I'm going" she said "ok let's go"

We walked to her car. We got in she started the car but when she turned it on it turned right back off.

"Why did it turn off" I asked looking at her.

She bit her lip and looked scared. "Um I forgot to put gas "

"Are you freakin serious, Angie what's wrong with you, why didn't you put gas?!" Yelled at her. "Angie your so stupid" I said rubbing my temples.

This is why she was because when she does something stupid ,I yell at her.

"Sorry" she said smiling.

"Whatever just call Nash and ask him if he can give us a ride or something" I said.

"Yea um about that, yesterday I got so excited about going to Justin's beibers concert I dropped it on the floor and it broke" she said.

"Are serious Angie. What is wrong with you, que estupida eres tu" I said annoyed at her.

"Sorry" she said.

"I'll just call Cameron" I said picking up my phone and going to my contacts.

I pressed on his contact.

"Hey Cameron" I said after He  picked up.

"Hey, what's up" he said

"Um I was wondering if you give me and Angie a ride to the concert and she forgot to put gas in her car and she broke her phone so she couldn't call Nash" I said damn that was a long ass sentence.

"I'm yea where are you guys" he asked.

"Um at her apartment complex in West Hollywood." I said

"Ok I'll be there, like in 10 minutes" he said.

"Ok see you then" I said

"Ok see ya" he said then hanged up.

"He'll be here in ten minutes" I said looking back at Angie.

"You know beck I can tell Cameron really likes you" she said.

"Oh really" I said laughing at her little.

"No I'm serious I've known Cameron for a while now and I've never see him like this" she said.

"How?" I asked her.

"The way he looks at you, how he likes spending time with you, answers his phone" she said. "And he usually never answers his phone" she said jokingly around a little.

"Hasn't he had girlfriend before " I asked. She nodded her head no. "How come?"

"The girls he's liked or the girls he's dated, always end up hurting, by cheating on him, using him or they just didn't like him the same" she said her eyes saddling a little because she kind felt bad for Cameron's past.

"Why, wouldn't they like him, I mean he's very caring, nice, funny, cute anything a girl can ask for" I said

"I don't know" she said shrugging. "Do you like him" she smirked at me.

"No, I don't know" I said "I mean I'm barely starting to know him, ya know" I said.

"You should give him a chance" she said getting a little excited.

"I don't know yet" I said "I'm gonna get hard to get" I said.

"You know if you do that, he'll just end up giving up" she said warning me.

"Well if he gives up, then that means he's not right for me" I said joking around.

"Ok whatever" she said laughing.

We got out the car right when Cameron pulled up In his car.

He got out the car.

"Are you guys ready" he said leaning over the car.

"Yea" we both said at the same time.

I got in the front and Angie in the back. He started driving to the staple center.

"Sorry if I bothered when I called you" I said looking at Cameron.

"It's fine I wasn't doing anything but laying on my couch watching tv" he said looking straight at the road he seemed very focused.

"Your really boring," I said.

"How" he asked

"Because your just boring, why don't you go hang with some of your friends or don't instead of being home" i said.

"Um I don't know" he said.


"Um thanks for the ride" Angie said getting out the car quickly.

"Thanks" I said facing Cameron.

"No problem anything for you" he said smiling.

"Ok see you later maybe" I said opening the door.

"Yea, later" he said

"Bye" I said getting out the car.

"Bye" he said.

I looked at him for a minute. His lips then his chocolatey eyes.

I grabbed his face and kissed him quickly and got out the car catching up to Angie.


I really liked this chapter I don't know why I just do. I think things are starting to get a little heated *wink* *wink*

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