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I woke up with Cameron's arms around my waist. I turned around to see him already awake.

"Good morning" he said. Damn his morning voice.

"Morning" I said back.

He leaned In about to kiss me but my phone rang and I turned my head and he kissed my cheek.

I got my phone to see Angie calling

(B for Becky and A for Angie )

B-what do you want you kinda interrupted something

A- sorry but I just got to your apartment and there's police in there and it's trashed up, what happened.

B- oh yea, someone trashed my house and the police are investigating.

A- And where are you?

B- at Cameron's

A-what are you doing at cams

B- he let me stay here while the police are investigating.

A-oh well, I'm gonna head over there, and Nash's with me and tell Cameron we are on our way. Bye.


"Um well I guess, Nash and Angie are on there way" I said turning back to Cameron.

"Oh, ok" he said.

"Can I take shower, really quick" I asked

"Yea" he said "can I take one with you"

"Haha your funny, no" I said fake laughing and getting up. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower.

Before I got in the shower I texted Angie's to bring me clothes and undergarments.

I got out the shower got dried then put the same clothes I had on earlier.

I walked to the living room to see Angie and Nash here already.

I got the clothes from Angie and thanked her .
(Out on top)
I went back to bathroom and changed again.

I walked back out and went back to the rest.

My phone rang and I answered.

Becky- hello

- hi this is the police, you can back to your own apartment we think we got enough information.

Becky- thanks, bye


"Ok so I guess they're done investigating so I could go back to my apartment" I said

"That's good" Angie said "do you think They found out who did it" Angie asked.

"I don't know" I said

"They probably find out sooner or later , don't worry" Cameron said patting my back.

"Yea," I said looking at Cameron and smiling at him. "Um do you guys wanna go get breakfast at IHOP" I asked looking away from Cameron.

"Yes, I'm hungry" Angie said.

"Ok, then let's go" I said

I felt like it was getting awkward.


"What would you guys like" the waiter asked us.

"Um, I'll have strawberry pancakes" I said

"And you guys" she said writing my order on the note pad and then looking at the rest.

"I'll have chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream on top " Cameron said.

Nash and Angie ordered and I felt Cameron's hand on my thigh. He than started caressing it with his thumb. I gave him tha 'what are you doing' look. He just winked at me. Ok then.

"Yesss!!" Angie literally screamed looking at her phone. "I just won two tickets to a Justin Bieber concert" she said excitedly.

"I'm not going with you" Nash said.

"I never said I was taking you anyway, I'm obviously taking Becky" she looking at Nash then me.

"You know I could've just took you to meet him, I literally know him" I said not caring a lot "you could've just asked"

"Really bitch, you never told me you know him!!" she said

"Well i didn't want you to freak out so i didn't tell you" I said shrugging.

"Here's your food" the waiter said handing us our pancakes.

"Thank you" I smiled.

"No problem beautiful" he said winking at me. I kind of blushed I mean he was a hot waiter.

Angie kicked my knee. I gave her a 'what' look. She looked at the waiter then at me. I shook my head no. She just rolled her eyes. (Why was that so complicated. Let's be honest we all have that one friend)

"Anything else" he offered.

"No Thank you" Cameron said quickly. I didn't  even notice that he removed his hand from my thigh. I actually liked it there his hand was warm.

"Ok then if you need anything I'm willing to help" the waiter said. He's very polite. I looked at his name tag and it said Liam.

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