Ch. 34

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3 months later//

"Are you guys ready to find out the gender of the baby" the doctor asked me and Cameron.

"Yes please." I said in excitement.

"Can you lay down and lift up your shirt" she said. And did as she asked.

I felt as she put the gel on my stomach, it made me jump a little of how could the gel was. She put the little monitor on my stomach moving it around. I heard the little heart beating of the baby and saw my little baby on the small tv in the corner.

That's my little angel.

"That's our little baby" Cameron said as he held on to my hand more.

"Yup our little baby" I smiled.

"Ready to hear the news" doctor said looking back at us.

"More than ready" I said excitedly.

"It's a girl" she said and smiled at the end.

"A baby girl" I smiled at Cameron. I got up and cleaned all the gel from my stomach.

"Our baby girl" cam said as he placed a hand on my stomach.

"Here's your next appointment" the doctor said as she gave me a piece of paper with a date.

We got up and thanked the doctor and walked to the car. We got in and buckled up.

"So names for our baby" he asked.

"Claudia Alexia Dallas" I said. I already had name's planned out.

"That's a pretty name" cam smiled at me.

"I know" I said. "Can we go to Angie's I want to go see her baby"

"Yeah anything for you" he winked and took a turn to Nash's and Angie's.


"Where's that little baby" I asked Nash.

"With Angie" he said pointing to there living room.

"Aww there's my little nephew" I said.

"Yup here he is" she said. She got up and handed me him.

"Hi baby" I said as I held him in my arms. He's such a calm baby boy.

"What are you guys having" Angie asked.

"Well your going to have to see this weekend for the reveal party" I said.

"But I wanna know" she said.

"nope sorry, baby girl" I laughed.

"Hey don't call her baby girl, she mine" Nash said.

"Um you thought, I had her first" I said as I rocked the baby in my arms.

"She's right" Angie said.

We laughed all laughed and played games for rest of the day and then me and Cameron decided it was time to go home.

We were almost home when I felt a pain in my stomach and the looked down and saw blood on my Jeans.

"Cameron" I said as I grabbed to his upper arm "Cameron, cameron , cameron!!"

"Oh my god Rebecca" he said freaking out.

The more I looked at the blood I felt dizzy.

The last thing I remember was seeing the stop light as it turned green.


I woke up on a hospital bed, my head was hurting so bad. I looked around and saw Cameron sleeping on chair.

"Cameron." I said. "Cameron" I said a little more louder. I saw as his eyes open a little.

"Your finally, awake" he said as his face brightened a little.

"What happened" I asked.
He looked down, and didn't seem to know what to say. I looked at my stomach and there was no bump there no more.

A tear was going down his face once he saw my face when I saw that there was no bump.

"Cameron, no, Cameron!!" I raised my voice. He grabbed my hand and squeezed it. "Cameron no this can't happen please" tears were pouring from my eyes.

"We can get through this Rebecca" he said as more tears came from his eyes to.

"Cameron, no, why did this happen, please tell me this isn't true" I said as I freaked out more by the second.

"Rebecca, everything will be ok" he said.


Sorry y'all

But hey go read my otherm stories like coaster and Devine

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