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"Becky you almost done" Cameron asked as I took the last pregnancy test I had.

"Almost" I said. I put all the pregnancy test down on the sink. All of them were the same. I sighed and turned around and opened the door.

"So what?!" He asked wondering.

"I don't know I think you should see." I said with no expression on my face.

He went in the bathroom and looked at all three pregnancy tests. A smile was tugging on his lips. He turnt around and hugged me  picking me up from the floor. They both were laughing from joyness.

"We finally did it!!" He said. "After 10 months of trying. We did Becky" he had one of the biggest smiles.

"Yup we did it" I said.

"This is the going to be the best week ever" he said. "Can you believe we are getting married in three more days"

"I know right time flys so fast it feels like we just met yesterday" I smiled remembering the day I first met him.

He walked through that apartment door, right behind Nash, and I thinking he was just a another player, now look at us getting married in 72 hours, who would of ever thought right?!

I guess all that matters is that I'm happy and that I'm going to bring a baby into this world.

This is my life now.


I know short chapter but I swear to you that the last two chapters are going to longer than this one. Two more chapters left

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