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I deleted all my other fanfics but this one and "baby" just if you wondering and I made a new fan fic for hunter rowland.....💗


I was packing my stuff for tour because I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm traveling half of USA and some places In Mexico.

"Do you have to leave" Cameron asked wrapping his arms around me.

"Yes Cameron, I told you this hundred of times" I said smiling at him. "It's only 15 cities, and 2 shows each stop, ill be back by the end of the month. And I'll face time you every morning and night" I told him.

"Promise" he said sticking his pinky out.

I wrapped my pinky around his. "Promise" I said kissed both our pinkies.

"I'm gonna miss you" he said wrapping his arms around once again. "And this" he grabbed my butt.

"Cameron" I slapped his chest with my hand.

"What" he said and than kissed me.

"I'm going to miss you to" I said and laid my head on his chest. "He smells good" I thought to my self.

"Thank you" he said.

"Did I say that out loud" I told him. He nodded his head.

I heard a knock at my door. "I'm gonna go that" I said getting out of his embrace.

I opened the door to see my siblings, mom and dad, Angie and Nash.

"We came to celebrate, sense your leaving tomorrow" Angie explained.

"Wow, I feel loved" I said sarcastically.

"Not In a bad way" Angie said "in a good way" she smiled.

"Oh" I said "are you guys gonna come in" I asked.

Then all of them came in with food in there hands. That put all the food on the counter.

Cameron came out of my room and looked surprised. I would to I have a big Mexican family. Plus Nash. Angie is already considered family.

"Hola mijo" my mom said giving Cameron a quick hug.

"Hola" he said hugging her back.

"Como has estado" she asked him.

He looked at me confused, sense he didn't really know Spanish. "She said how have you been" I said.

"Good" he said


"Bye guys" I said hugging all of my family Nash and Angie are going to stay a while more.

"Bye, mija protegerse" she said. She was the last one to leave. (Bye daughter take care of your self)

"You know you could've told me you guys were coming, so that I didn't look like shit" I said because I was In sweats and a plain t-shirt.

"Well it was supposed to be a surprise" she said taking a drink of her water bottle. "You don't even look bad" she said after taking a gulp of her water.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" Nash asked.

"At 10 In the morning" I said sitting in my stool that's in my kitchen.

"What's your first stop and last" he asked a other question.

"Um my first stop is New York and last is Los angles" I said.

"How many stops do you ha-" Cameron cut him off.

"Nash. Shut up. You ask to many questions" Cameron said running his finger down his mouth. which made me and Angie laugh.

"Eww, don't do that, I don't know where your has been" Nash said sassily.

God damn I love these people.


Quick update💓
Go read my new fanfic "bright" it's a hunter rowland fanfic

575 words

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