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"Thanks for letting me stay the night at your house Cameron" I said thanking him because police were investigating who trashed my house and he was letting me stay at his.

"No problem I wouldn't want you sleeping in the streets would I" he said. "You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep on the couch" he said.

"Are you sure" I asked

"Yes I'm sure," he said

"Thanks Cameron, where's your room" I said.

"I'll show you" he said grabbing my hand and taking me to his room.

"Thanks cam" I said.

"No problem" he said "here are some of my sweats and a shirt you can borrow" he said giving me clothes.

"Thanks again" I said, while I walked In to his bathroom to change.

I walked out the bathroom and I think Cameron went back to his living room.

Well it's pretty late I should go to sleep.


"Please don't kill me" I begged him "please" I begged one more time.

"Sorry baby girl if i can't have no one can" he said

Then I felt pain from my stomach I touched my stomach and I felt a warm a liquid


"Becky wake up, wake up" I heard my eyes still closed I then opened my eyes to see Cameron shaking me. He looked really scared.

He hugged me in relief when he saw me wake up.

"Sorry did I scare you" I said hugging him back.

"Yes" he said "for a little I thought you weren't going to wake up"

"Sorry, this always happens at this time" I said checking the time and it was 2:36 In the morning.

"Why does this always happen" he asked.

"It was just something that happened two years ago" I said

"What happened two years ago" he said

"Do you really wanna know" I asked.

"Well if this going to happen a lot then ,yes" he said

I explained to him about Austin and he almost killed me. And how Nash and Matthew saved me. I also told him about Matthew.

"Wow, I'm sorry Becky I didn't know you had go threw that." He said feeling sorry.

"You don't have to be sorry, the one who has to be sorry is him." I said patting his back.

Some how we were sitting cris crossed on the bed. He was sitting in front of each other.

"Do you still love Matthew" he asked looking little down.

"Yes" I said "but I have to learn how to move on," I said. Looking at my hand then at him.

"I'll show you how to forget" he said leaning closer to me.

He smashed lips against my. His lips where soft and plumbed. This felt so right.

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