Ch.8 pt 2

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(Idk I just like the picture)

"Hey mom" I said walking in the house.

"Hola mija" she hugging me,

"Donde esta Stephanie" I asked (where is Stephanie)

"ella en el patio trasero con todos los demás" she said. (She is in the backyard with everyone else)

"Y quien es este individuo hermoso" she said referring to Cameron. (And who is this handsome guy)

"El es Cameron" I said ( he is Cameron)

(this is funny bc Cameron in Spanish sounds like shrimp)

"Estan saliendo" she asked (are you guys dating)

"Mamá no estamos saliendo! sólo somos amigos" I said (mom we are not dating! we're just friends)

"Mhm" she hummed

I looked at Cameron and he looked confused. So did Nash, Angie knows Spanish so she wasn't confused.

"Oh Cameron this is my mom" I said referring to my mom.

" Hola madre segunda" angie said hugging her. (Hi second mom)

"Vete alla loca" she said pushing her away. (Go away crazy)

"I love you to" she said.

"Nice to meet you..." he said shaking my moms hand "what her name" Cameron asked looking at me.

"Alejandra" I said.

"Alejandra" he said looking back at my mom.

"Un placer conocerte" my mom said hugging him. (Nice meeting you to)

They pulled away and I grabbed Cameron's hand before my mom tries to have a full conversation with him. I pulled him to the backyard with everyone else and it was full of my family and family friends.

"Yea I forgot to tell you I have a big family" I said.

"Yea you did" he said

The backyard had a lot of flights and tables and party stuff.

"Becky" Stephanie said. Coming up to me and hugging me.

"Happy birthday sis" I said hugging her tighter.

"Who is this" she asked.

"This Cameron my friend" I said "Cameron this is my sister, Stephanie" I said introducing them.

"Hi Stephanie" cam said.

"Hi" she said "well I'm gonna go with my friends, I'll see you around" she said leaving.

"Ok" I said. "You want something to drink" I asked Cameron.

"Yea" he said .

"Ok I'll be right back" I said and went to get a drinks.

"Hey Becky" someone said while serving the drinks. I looked to see who it was.

"Oh my god Matthew" I said hugging him. I haven't seen him in almost 8 months.

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