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I put on my hat that went with my outfit.

"Ready" I said grabbing my suit case.

"Well let's go drop you off" Cameron said sighing at the end. He grabbed his car keys and phone. We went to out the door and down to the parking area.

Cameron unlocked his car, and we got in. He started the car and put some music.

'Shape of you' by ed sheeran came on and I started singing to it. It was my favorite song at the moment.

I started moving my hips and raised my hands while I was still singing along to it. I like the beat.

Cameron laughed at me but I didn't care. I liked this song.

"I'm in love of the shape of you" I sang pointing at Cameron.

We got to the airport after like 10 minutes of singing in the car.

"How many weeks again" Cameron asked hugging me.

"3 and a half Cameron" I said.

"That is so long" he groaned

"Cameron it will pass by fast"

"It better, because I'm gonna feel lonely, without you"

"No your not Cameron, you have a lot of friends"


"Yes, there's Aaron, Taylor, Nash and Chris"

"But they have girlfriends, and they are always hanging with them"

"Aaron doesn't have a girl, nor Taylor"

"You don't know that"

"Yes, I do, if you didn't for get,  I'm good friends with them" I said "now stop being a baby, and be a handsome man, you are"

"Ok" he said "but first let me have a kiss" he leaned down,

But I put my hand on his mouth.

"Hey" he said whining.

"I was just kidding" I said and grabbed his face and smashed my lips on his. He grabbed my hip to make me get closer to him.

The speaker announced my flight.

"Well it's time for me to go" I said sighing a little because now I have be in a plane for five hours doing nothing. But I'll probably just fall asleep.

I grabbed my suitcase.

"So see you in three weeks" Cameron said.

"And a half"


"Cameron you better not talk to any girls while I'm away" I joked. 

"Oh I will" he joked to. I hope.

"Ok, well I gotta go" I said giving him one last hug.

"Bye" he said then kissed my forehead.

"Bye" I said and walked off.


I landed in New York. I got my luggage and walked to the front of the airport.

I got a taxi and went to my hotel. I changed into something comfortable because today I was getting fitted for outfits that I'm gonna be wearing on stage.

I put some leggings a sports bra and a tank top with a bomber jacket. I left the hotel and went to my fittings.

One I got there, my back up dancers were getting they're clothes fitted to. Thank god it wasn't just one person helping us because then it would be a disaster.

They all said quick hi's and continued doing what they were doing.

"Becky" Mario said from behind me.

Mario was the one who was fitting me.

"Hey Mario" I said walking up to him and giving him a hug.

"Hey mami" he said hugging me back.

"So whatever my outfits" I asked him.

He showed me the outfits. There was sparkly ones with nude. Some plain back ones. And many more.

I tried all them on. Lucky all of them fit well.

There was about 15 different ones and it was enough for each stop. I'm glad it's just 15 shows.

"Mario, you wanna go wit me. To get some pizzA" I asked him after the fittings.

"Yea" he said he grabbed his 'man purse' and started walking with me to get pizza down the street.

Mario is one of those sassy, girly, gay boy, that likes makeup. I guess that's why we get along.

The only times I really get to see him is when I come to NY.

We got to the pizza polar. They served us quickly after getting seated.

"So I heard you a new papi" he said wiggling his eyebrows and then taking a sip of his lemonade.

"Yes, i did get a new papi chulo" I said smiling of the thought of Cameron. "What about you no new daddy" I asked him taking a bite of my pineapple pizza.

"No, you know me, I can't stay with guy more than two months" he said rolling his eyes sassily.

"I'll be right back, I need to use the bathroom" he said getting up and walking to the bathroom.

While I was looking through my phone I saw something. Why didn't he tell me he was starring at Dolce Gabbana.

I texted Cameron.

To Cameron: why didn't you tell you were starring at dolce Gabbana
Read 6:33

From Cameron
Sorry, I just got informed today. And I'm going tomorrow.
Received 8:35

To Cameron:
Ok well be safe, ugly
Read 8:36

From Cameron:
Ok I will, and who you calling ugly, because last time I checked I'm a walking goddess 😂😍
Received 8:37

To Cameron:
What ever helps you sleep at night, goodnight gtg💗
Read 8:38

To Cameron:
Goodnight 💕
Received 8;38

Mario got back by the time I stopped texting

"Ready to go" I asked

""Yup, vamanos" he said


I don't like this chapter but oh well two updates in a row, hope you guys enjoyed loves💘


921 words

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