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"Damn, she looks so pretty" I said admiring Beyoncé from the tv at the Grammys. " she looks so magical"

I looked back at Cameron he had his eyebrows furrowed looking at his phone. I don't even bother looking at his phone. I'm not that kind of girl.

"You ok" I asked Cameron.

"Um yeah, I'm fine" he said.

I just shrugged it off. But why is he acting like a girl when she's sad.

I'll just change the subject.

"Cameron?" I asked


"We've been together for almost five months and I still haven't met you mother nor sister"

"Oh ya" he scratched the back of his neck.

"So, why haven't I met them" I asked him giving him a serious look.

"Well, I'm not ready for you to meet them" he said quietly but I heard him.


"Why, do you ask so many questions" he laughed.

"Cameron! Don't change the subject. Tell me why your not ready for me to them?"

"Because, they're overprotective and every time I brought a girl over to meet them, they kinda scare them off" he sighed holding my hand.

"Cmon they can't be that over protective."

"Um, yes they can!" He said

"I doubt that" I said "now give me you moms phone number"

"No, why" he said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Because, I'm gonna plan a dinner for the four of us, now give me her phone number"






Ok that's it.

I took it from his hands and ran from him. First I went to the kitchen but we kinda ran in circles until I went in the bathroom.

I sat down my back hitting the door. I copied number as I put on my phone.

"Here you go, Cameron" I said as I slid his phone from the bottom of the door.

"REBBECA MARIE GOMEZ, don't you dare call that number your gonna regret it" he said as he banged on the door a couple times.

But why use my real name.

Is that bad, oh well.

"Well, you never know it's probably one of the best regrets." I smirked even though he can't see me.

I pressed the call button and then a very lovely voice answered.

"Hello" she said

"Hi, Gina, this is Cameron's girlfriend" I said, I could practically hear Cameron take a deep breath and then walk away once he heard me speaking.

"Oh so this the special girl who my son talks about every time we talk" she said nicely.

What is Cameron talking about, he crazy. And he talks about me to her. Awe.

"Yup" I said "well I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with us and Sierra as well"

"I would love to" she said kindly. "Can't wait to finally meet you"

" well I can't wait to finally meet you to" I said as kindly as I can be. "Well see you tomorrow, I'll send you the address where we are meeting"

"Ok see you tomorrow, bye"


I hanged up and got up and dusted myself. I got out of the bathroom and saw Cameron eating leftover enchiladas from yesterday.

"Cameron, she's so nice, what you talking about" I said as I walked to refrigerator.

He raised his eyebrows a little and looked like if he was about to die of laughter.

I got a Caprison and poked the hole with the straw.

"You ok" I asked and took a sip of my juice.

"Watch" he said " she's gonna go all protective mode and ask you a bunch of questions"

"Ok, Cameron whatever you say" I said as walked to our room.



I actually like this chapter, don't ask me why, I just do. Anyways I said I was probably gonna update on Sunday but then I had to evacuate this Sunday, because there was alert that my city was gonna flood so we left.

Go read my other stories

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