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Cameron pov//

Damn I want this girl so much. she's tough but loving. I love that about her.

But I don't want to hurt her. What would she think if I told her about my past.

I just won't tell her about my past.

My phone started ringing.

"Hello" I said not checking the caller ID.

"Hey cam it's Becky" becky said.

"Oh hey Becky" I said

"Hi, I wanted to know if you want to come with me ,Angie and Nash to my sisters 15th birthday this Sunday" she asked.

"Yea I would love to go with you" I said in excitement.

"Ok, just meet me here at my apartment" she said.

"Ok I'll meet you there" I said

"Bye cam" she said

"Bye babe" I said. Then hung up.

I can't wait to see her.

Becky/ ( with the good hair)

Did he just call me babe. Babe? Why did he call me that. Ok whatever.

My phone vibrated from my back pocket of my jeans. I grabbed to check but it said unknown number texted me.

Unknown: hey you missed me. well I got out jail two days ago, I hope I get to see you soon. Or actually I'll see you soon.

My heart sank. I know who this is. I can't believe he's out of jail. Why would they let him out of jail he dangerous.

I texted back.

Me: leave me alone Austin.

Austin: why would I do that baby girl you know I can't do that. I'm crazy over you.

Me: Austin just leave me alone. Your not crazy over me your just mentally crazy.

Austin: nope just crazy over you. See you around baby.

I didn't even text back this guy I swear I can't ever get rid of him and it's driving me crazy.

No matter what I do I just can't get rid of him. I moved to Los angles so that I could I get rid of him and he couldn't bother me no more but I guess sense I got more famous he knows where I live.

This all started a two years ago.


"Hey babe" Austin said. Coming up to my side and putting his arm around my waist.

"Oh hey Austin" I said "what are you doing here" I asked wondering because I was at the mall with my friends and he didn't tell me he was coming.

" just looking around" he said.

"Well I'm going to hang out with my friends ok" I said trying to get out of his grip.

These past days he's been acting over possessive. Like he made me delete all my boy contacts like Nash, Matthew, even my brothers and not only my brothers my dad to. Like I said he's been over possessive and he's getting me mad.

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