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Becky:: ootd ^^

"So you guys are a thing now" Angie said after I told her about the events of yesterday.

"Yea I guess, I mean he's so nice ,protective, and funny. He makes me feel different, Matthew didn't even make me feel this way" I said sitting on the stool while she made us launch.

"So much for getting hard to get" she said mocking me of what I said yesterday.

"Right" I said "what are you making anyways" I asked looking at her cook something unfamiliar to me.

"Vegan food" she said shrugging.

"Are you vegan now," I asked her.

"Yea, I guess" she said.

"You been hanging out with Nash to much" I said laughing a little.

"Shut up, pendeja" she said throwing her chancla at me.

"When did you turn into my mom" I asked scooting a little so that the Chancla didn't hit me.

She laughed a little. "Why do you care" she asked

"Because I don't want two people now hitting me with chanclas"

"Whatever, so I need to tell you something but you can't tell no one" she said and stopped cutting the vegetables.

"Angelina we've been friends sense fourth grade and we're almost 20 now." I said.

"Yea your right, well I haven't had my period in two months and" she stopped went to the bathroom and came back with pregnancy tests. "They're all positive"

"Oh my god I'm gonna be a Tia" I said hugging her.

"Yup" she said and I looked at her worriedly because she seemed down.

"What now" I asked her because she looked like she was about to cry.

"Well I told my mom this morning and she was disappointed because she didn't want me having any sexual relationship until I was married and now she won't even talk to me" she said letting a tear slip out her eye. "And I haven't even told Nash, and I feel like he'll leave me if I tell him."

"Angie he loves you to much to leave you, I've know Nash for three years already and he isn't that type of guy" I said hugging her tightly. I felt warm tears on my shoulder. "Now stop crying"

She pulled away and cleaned her eyes.

"I think you should talk to Nash seriously about this" I said "call him, tell him to come over and talk to him"

"Your right I should, thanks Becky" she said.

"No problem, well I'm gonna go" I said grabbing my bag from the counter.

"Your not gonna stay to eat" she asked.

"Nope, I'm not vegan and I don't to eat tofu" I said she glared at me. "Bye" I said walking her apartment.

I heard a faint bye from her.

"So I heard, Angie is pregnant" Cameron said putting a handful of popcorn in his mouth.

"Who told you that" I asked him putting in a movie in the DVD.

"Nash, and he's pretty excited to be father a soon" he said.

"Yup, I'm going to be Tia" I said sitting down next to Cameron on the couch.

"Can't wait to have my own kids, I want 6 mini me's" he said exaggerating 6,

"That's a lot of kids" I said laughing a little.

"Yup, but I think I'll be a good father." He said smiling widely.

"Oh really why do you say that" I asked him.

"Because one I love kids, two kids love me, and that's why I'm gonna be good father" he said "and your gonna be the mother of my kids" he kissed my cheek.

"That's a little to Quick don't you think" I asked him.

"Yea, but I'll wait until you want kids" he said proudly.

"Then your gonna have to wait a long time" I said patting his chest.

I hope you guys like led this chapter,

Go read my other stories.

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